Twelve Proposals for a fundamental change for the well-being of people, animals and the environment.
Please feel free to make up your own list and put the word out.
- A dissolution of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, NATO and the controlling power of the oligarchy of billionaires.
- A massive overhaul of harmful/unethical industries – fossil fuel, shipping, air travel, fashion industry, pharmaceutical industry, exploitive food industry, sports and entertainment industry.
- Breakup of big business and end to takeover of small businesses.
- Cancellation of debts of poor nations.
- Development of a Green economy – for a sustainable consumption and sustainable production.
- Development of a respectful relationship between people, animals environment.
- Education to meet the urgent needs of the 21st century rather than encourage self-interest.
- End to the export of arms.
- Online businesses, such as Amazon, pay a business tax, parallel to high street shops, on every square metre of space they use.
- Online businesses, who have made £billions from the lock down, to pay an additional Covid-19 tax – to support government expenditure on the pandemic.
- Supermarkets only permitted to sell nutritious food and no other products.
- High street shops and corner shops to sell food and all other household items for renewal of high street.
I support these items fullheartedly. Each single one.