If you experience resistance to war, then be clear about alternatives to war and develop them.
Russian army bombing of homes of civilians
From a flyer in Massachusetts, USA, in 1982
Read carefully. What ways can you give support to resolution of conflict?
A List of 50 Mutually Supportive Ways to end Wars.
- Aid/Reconstruction
- Analysis/critiques of state of mind of political leaders and impact on actions
- Application of the Arts
- Arms control
- Banning banking from countries engaged in war
- Banning imports from countries engaged in war
- Banning export of weapons
- Blockades
- Blocking streets, motorways, public buildings
- BDS. Boycott. Divestment. Sanctions
- Civil Disobedience on a massive scale or modest scale
- Comedy, skits, poking fund
- Conciliation
- Conferences
- Constructive exports
- Creativity
- Critiques of war
- Demonstrations/Marches/Street Protests
- Diplomacy/Dialogue
- Disarmament
- Economic Sanctions
- Education in ethics, empathy, non-violence in schools, workplace and institutions
- Ending participation in major sporting events
- Ending arm sales, international and national
- Excommunication
- Graffiti
- Grass roots movements
- International Courts
- International cooperation to resolve conflict
- Mass Petitions
- Meditation/Prayer/vigils/pilgrimages
- Mock Funerals
- Name and shame of those who invest in war
- Parades. Gatherings. Concerts
- Pilgrimages
- Private Meetings between representatives of both sides
- Prosecution
- Protests/sit-down/non-compliance
- Prohibiting loans
- Public Talks
- Religious meetings, vigils, meditation in public
- Resistance to military call-up/conscription
- Non-violent training
- Resistance
- Sanctions on the rich/powerful who gain from war
- Social Media
- Street Music. Poetry, Theatre, Dance, Costumes
- Strikes
- Tax. Refusal to pay
- Voluntary Service.
May all beings live conscious lives
May all beings develop resistance to war
May all beings live in peace.
Now there’s a tangle. Outside Russia most of these things are active. In Russia…no.