Thursday 8 April is Holocaust Day. A talk on the Mutual Influences of Past and Present on Wednesday. 18.50 Israel time. 16.50 UK time.

Tomorrow (Thursday), Jewish citizens in Israel and worldwide, and millions of others, mark Holocaust Memorial Day. The day remembers the millions who suffered and died in the concentration camps during the time of the Nazi ideology. The day also acknowledges the genocides that have taken place in the years since.
At the invitation of the Israeli Sangha, I speak this evening at 18.50 pm (16.50 pm) UK time.

The Influence of the Past on the Present and the Present on the Past
Intense suffering has an impact on the personal, family, social, cultural and national life.
We know that traumatic events impact in the short and long term.
The body remembers as well as  generations of families.
Yes, the passage of time contributes to a fading of events.
Yet, we must still continue to learn from the past.
We witness today the trauma of the global pandemic in sickness, death and suffering minds.
Wisdom dissolve suffering and thus transcends it.
What is the wisdom in our relationship to the past?
A guided meditation, a talk and questions and answers.
Along with a visit to Auschwitz in Poland, I have listened in a 30 year period to many elderly Israeli citizens of their experiences and survival from the horrors of World War 2.
The session will be recorded.
Further information.

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