www.weddingbideasy.co.uk. Nshorna, my daughter, has launched a business venture. Do support


Do support

My daughter, Nshorna, launched today (Tuesday, May 10, 2016) a new online business to support engaged couples in the UK to have an affordable wedding,

She has set up a live auction wedding website.  This is a huge step for her. She wishes to earn an income from her home to help support her family, along with her husband, Dean, and the four children in Stanmore, just outside north London.

Nshorna, 34, got married in London in August, 2014. She spent several months seeking out the best possible businesses that provide a fine service at affordable costs.

Her father was very grateful for the major savings she made! Nshorna made substantial savings on her wedding and now wishes to apply her skills and knowledge to benefit others through her auction bidding website.

She has created a unique website in the UK to bring together engaged couples with wedding businesses. These businesses include companies hiring/selling wedding dresses, suits, photographers, venues, food, limousines, flowers and honeymoon destinations.

After buying a home, a wedding is usually the highest single expenditure for a couple or family.

Nshorna wishes to reduce for couples the stress of preparation for the big day, make the cost as affordable as possible and contribute to a very happy wedding.

Her business will depend very much on a positive word-of-mouth. Please pass the website on to your friends, neighbours and colleagues.

Please add your support by visiting the site, liking the Facebook page and follow weddingbideasy on twitter/instagram/pinterest.

If you know any businesses that provides a service for weddings, please encourage them to join up. www.weddingbideasy.co.uk

Your support would mean the world to her.



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