Join our Daylong Zoom Course of Study and Application of the Discourses of the Buddha. Three 60-minute sessions on Saturday 11 December 2021

Do join our daylong course offering ways to explore the Buddha’s discourses and apply his teachings to daily life.

You are welcome to participate in one, two or three sessions on Saturday 11 December 2021.

A Weekend Course on Study of the Discourses of the Buddha.
Times below are UK time. CET is one hour later than UK time.

Session 1. 8.15 am to 9.15 am. Overview. Core teachings. Outline of discourses and attention to detail. Guided Meditation
Session 2. 12.45 to13.45. Exploration of three major discourses. Q and A.
Session 3. 19.15 – 20.15 . Talk on reading/reflection/meditating upon and application in daily life.

The sessions will be recorded and made available within a couple of days.

To Register:

There is no registration fee.

You will receive a Zoom link, PDF of the Buddha Study Guide and a PDF of Ulla Koenig’s reflections/analysis of the major discourses.

The course is suitable for those who have familiarity with the Buddha’s teachings and for beginners interested in an introduction to the Buddha.

There are around 10,000 discourses of the Buddha ranging from a few paragraphs to several pages. Initially, the language may present a challenge. Knowing how to explore a few discourses unlocks many discourses.

In his teachings, the Buddha addressed a wide range of themes. These themes include ethics, mindfulness, suffering, meditation, action, livelihood and social/political/religious issues.

His teachings encourage inquiry into the ego/non-self, karma, dualities, insights, kindness, compassion, truth, reality, awakening, the deathless and liberation.  He leaves no stone unturned.

The practice and application of these teachings contribute to dissolution of the problematic mind, depths of realisations, a fulfilled life and knowing Nirvana.

Free from theory and metaphysics, the sessions will include ways to apply essential teachings of the Buddha for daily life, an overview of the teachings, guided meditation and periods for question and answers.

You will find treasures in the texts, which can serve as a lifelong support.

Middle Length Discourses

We will focus on the Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha – the most loved and widely used of the books of teachings. MLD contains 152 discourses with each discourse running to several pages.

The daylong session will offer tools and keys from the texts to support daily life. Daylong will include exploration of the Four Applications (Foundations) of Mindfulness – the discourse that inspired the Mindfulness movement in the West.

An appeal for donations will be made at the end of the day.

I look forward to seeing you on Saturday.

Pass the word on. All are welcome.

Christopher is the author of:

The Buddha’s Book of Daily Meditations
The Buddha of Love
The Explicit Buddha
The Political Buddha
The Spiritual Roots of Mindfulness,
The Mindfulness Manual*
*based on the Buddha’s teachings.

For further information on these books
and other books by Christopher. see

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