Do you live in a happy country? An index of 151 countries from top to bottom.

I received  the 2012 list of the happiest nations in the world.  Known as the Happy Planet Index (HPI), the list begins with Cost Rica at the top of the list and ends with Botswana at the bottom of the list.

I include the full list below.

The HPI measures what matters: the extent to which countries deliver long, happy, sustainable lives for the people that live in them. The Index uses global data on life expectancy, experienced well-being and ecological footprint to calculate this.

The index is an efficiency measure. It ranks countries on how many long and happy lives they produce per unit of environmental input. The Happy Planet Index (HPI) is the leading global measure of sustainable well-being.

Most measures of national progress, such as from the UN,  are measures of economic activity, namely around economic production and consumption.

Yes, such a list means generalisations as well as positive and negative stereotypes of a country. But the list also reminds us that materialism and happiness bear little relationship. It frames the development of each country in the context of real environmental limits. In doing so, it reminds us that progress is not just about wealth

For example, Palestine ranks 35th in the index while the USA comes in as 105th happiest nation in the world, only four countries ahead of Afghanistan.   It certainly reflects my experience of Palestine and the USA with years of listening to the inner life of the citizens of both countries.

Vietnam with its Buddhist tradition comes second. Such a turnaround in less than 40 years.. The USA government made war on the people of Vietnam with more than three millions Vietnamese deaths between 1963 and 1975.

Latin America features prominently  in the Top 10. Bangladesh citizens came 11th. Israel were 15th. Pakistan 16th, Thailand 20th, New Zealand 28th, Norway 29th, India 32nd, Switzerland 34th, Iraq 36th,  UK 41st, Japan 45th, Germany 46th, France 50th, Sweden 52nd, China 60th, Myanmar 61st and so on.

Here is the complete list of happiest countries for 2012

1    Costa Rica

2    Vietnam

3    Colombia

4    Belize

5    El Salvador

6    Jamaica

7    Panama

8    Nicaragua

9    Venezuela

10    Guatemala

11    Bangladesh

12    Cuba

13    Honduras

14    Indonesia

15    Israel

16    Pakistan

17    Argentina

18    Albania

19    Chile

20    Thailand

21    Brazil

22    Mexico

23    Ecuador

24    Peru

25    Philippines

26    Algeria

27    Jordan

28    New Zealand

29    Norway

30    Palestine

31    Guyana

32    India

33    Dominican Republic

34    Switzerland

35    Sri Lanka

36    Iraq

37    Laos

38    Kyrgyzstan

39    Tunisia

40    Moldova

41    United Kingdom

42    Morocco

43    Tajikistan

44    Turkey

45    Japan

46    Germany

47    Syria

48    Austria

49    Madagascar

50    France

51    Italy

52    Sweden

53    Armenia

54    Uzbekistan

55    Georgia

56    Saudi Arabia

57    Paraguay

58    Nepal

59    Cyprus

60    China

61    Myanmar

62    Spain

63    Korea

64    Bolivia

65    Canada

66    Malta

67    Netherlands

68    Yemen

69    Lebanon

70    Finland

71    Poland

72    Malawi

73    Ireland

74    Bosnia and Herzegovina

75    Romania

76    Australia

77    Iran

78    Haiti

79    Serbia

80    Azerbaijan

81    Libya

82    Croatia

83    Greece

84    Malaysia

85    Cambodia

86    Ghana

87    Slovenia

88    Iceland

89    Slovakia

90    Singapore

91    Egypt

92    Czech Republic

93    Uruguay

94    Ethiopia

95    Turkmenistan

96    Namibia

97    Portugal

98    Kenya

99    Zambia

100    Ukraine

101    Sudan

102    Hong Kong

103    Belarus

104    Hungary

105    United States of America

106    Djibouti

107    Belgium

108    Rwanda

109    Afghanistan

110    Denmark

111    Mauritius

112    Comoros

113    Cote d’Ivoire

114    Mozambique

115    Zimbabwe

116    Liberia

117    Estonia

118    Latvia

119    Kazakhstan

120    Lithuania

121    Congo

122    Russia

123    Bulgaria

124    Cameroon

125    Nigeria

126    Senegal

127    Angola

128    Mauritania

129    Burkina Faso

130    United Arab Emirates

131    Uganda

132    Benin

133    Tanzania

134    Congo, Dem. Rep. of the

135    Burundi

136    Trinidad and Tobago

137    Guinea

138    Luxembourg

139    Sierra Leone

140    Macedonia

141    Togo

142    South Africa

143    Kuwait

144    Niger

145    Mongolia

146    Bahrain

147    Mali

148    Central African Republic

149    Qatar

150    Chad

151    Botswana

 May all beings live in peace and harmony

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