What does it mean? Practical Steps.
Date: Thursday 25 January 2024
Time: 19:00 – 20:30 CET
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Eamba. Mindful Societies. Christopher Titmuss

Photo shows Totnes (population 8400) in south Devon. Dartmoor (UKs largest national park) is 20 kilometres away on the horizon.
Slowly, a grass roots movement takes place in different parts of the world to develop expressions of mindful societies.
A mindful society explores together ethics, values, mindfulness, daily life practices, sharing, sustainability, spiritual awareness, protection of the natural world and importance of community.
The talk will include practical steps to develop a mindful society where you live, where you work and who you are. Session includes a meditation, talk. Q&A and sharing.
About the Teacher
Christopher is known as a steadfast exponent of applying the Dharma to contemporary issues facing people, animals and the environment. He speaks, writes, and campaigns on social, political, and global issues. He also advocates the development of spiritual values, community renewal, and a green economy. He encourages Dharma practitioners to be Agents of Change and Caregivers.
A former Buddhist monk, Christopher Titmuss teaches awakening and Insight Meditation in the Buddhist tradition. He does not use the label ‘Buddhist’ for himself but expresses the deep benefits of his long-standing connection with the Buddhist tradition.
He is the founder and senior teacher of the 12-month Mindfulness Teacher Training Course (MTTC), as well as co-founder of the Prajna Vihar School in India and Gaia House, an international retreat center in Devon, England.
He has lived in Totnes, Devon, England since 1981. Many people in and around Totnes explore ways of life reflecting a mindful society. It is the best known town in the UK for such values.
A prolific writer, Christopher maintains an active blog and has written numerous books that dive deeply into meditation, spirituality, political, social and global issues. He has written three books on mindfulness.
Living primarily on donations since 1970, Christopher has noted his intention to stay true to the spirit of dana, a practice of cultivating generosity.
Many of the spiritual practices along with the Dharma talks and videos he offers also are freely available online.
www.ChristopherTitmussDharma.org/ Thrice Weekly Posts
www.ChristopherTitmuss.net Books, Essays.