View from Sharpham Estate of the River Dart leading towards the small town of Totnes.
You will see today more than 150 – 200 posters, nearly all have a direct connection with wellbeing for the individual, the group and the many.
There is a depth of exploration going on amidst witty, self-deprecating humour. In Totnes, humour and boldness of view are never far away.
Thank you to Totnes comediens, paid and unpaid. Here are some examples of truth, half truths and perhaps only a little to do with the truth concerning Totnes.
25 Things to Know about Quirky Totnes
- Totnes is a town where only therapists and their clients live.
- Totnes is an independent city state. Where Totnes goes the rest of the country has to follow.
- Totnes has declared an exit from Brexit. Totnes issued its own passports.
- A huge graffiti was painted on a high wall next to Totnes railwy station during 2016 referendum. Many thousands of train passengers daily saw the message as numerous trains passed through. It read BREXIT IS A CRIME SCENE.
- In Totnes, you are never more than five metres away from an aromatherapist.
- Totnes is also known as Hot Mess.
- Totnes – anti-vax, anti-5G and anti-maskers (facemasks during Covid).
- Online. A visitor wrote. I once got the train to Totnes and saw a man wearing nothing but pink hotpants and roller skates with a Monitor lizard on a lead.
- Online response to above. Na. That’s normal for Totnes.
10. There are 27 places in Totnes where you can buy a coffee. Coffee shops are the meeting place for plotters, for conspiracy theories, fresh initiatives, demonstrations/vigils, and actions to shame the government for its policies, of the political left, right or centre.
11. People don’t work in Totnes. A revolution of consciousness tales priority.
12. Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, spiritual beings, psychologists, journalists, Middle East music, ensembles, pop music and more offer evenings in the 14th century St. Mary’s Anglican Church in the High Street.
13. Totnes Friends of Palestine and other similar groups engage in compassion to stop the war crimes upon the Palestinians.
14. BBC radio had a six-part series in 2023 on Conspiracy Theories in the UK. The first two parts were totally devoted to Totnes.
15. Totnes is Britain’s top town for independent women. In the late 1970s, Totnes opened UKs first women’s bookshop (now closed).
16. Transition Town Totnes inspired around 1000 cities and towns worldwide to explore our model of sustainability.
17. Reconomy Centre in Totnes offers deskspace for the self-employed – based on donations. Many engage in improving quality of life of others.
18. Totnes includes the most vegans, homebirths per population in the UK and the UKs first natural health centre.
19. Totnes residents practice the Buddhist eightfold path. And are willing to let it go when it suits them.
20. Totnes is twinned with the fantasy land of Narnia. (Author C.S. Lewis (1898-1963). The Chronicles of Narnia. It must be true. A shop in the high street says so.
21. Totnes is home to the eccentric, quirky, spiritual seekers, mystics, hippies, India wallahs, revolutionaries, the homeless and retired members of the Conservative Party.
22. There is more going on in Totnes (nearly 10,000 residents) than in north London (nearly 1 million residents).
23. Dartmoor, a place of pilgrimage, is our unfenced back garden, open to all. Day and night!
24. Totnes promotes neurodiversity such as the listed 72 kinds of gender/sexual identity – female, male, LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer or Questioning). Totnes supports Gay marches and artistic expression in dress, music, art, views and organic oatmilk.
25. There is no truth that the Government has put something into Totnes water or maybe it is true. Back to the coffee shop.
May all Beings live in Totnes, uhm.
May all Beings live in Peace and Harmony
One day we might meet up and I’ll talk about the Perrings who go back a long way in Totnes — six generations. I’m married to Brian’s daughter, Allison, and we love Totnes even though we no longer live there. (We used to live in Follaton Farm.) Deep bows and a very happy new year. Julian PS. I first came to your blog when exploring the work of Lewis Thompson.