1. www.christophertitmuss.net
Books of Christopher. Essays. Poems. Audio library of talks and inquiries. Audio guided meditations. Social Media. Free talks to download. Link to Dharma Channel on Youtube with more than 70 clips.
2. www.insightmeditation.org
Teachings. Guided Meditations, Dharma reflections, Dharma articles, social-political-environmental analysis, International teaching schedule of Christopher, 150 linked sites and much more.
3. www.mindfulnesstrainingcourse.org
Mindfulness Practices. Mindfulness Essays and Critiques. Join one of 24 mentors from 10 countries for online mindfulness course.
4. www.dharmaenquiry.org
Teachings on authority, leadership, facilitation and public speaking. Teachings on communiciation, right speech and the capacity to listen. Buddha’s teachings on communication.
5. www.meditationinindia.org
How to register for annual retreats held every January/February in Bodh Gaya and Sarnath, near Varanasi, India. Both events run fully on donations given by participants. See hundreds of photos of Bodh Gaya, Sarnath and Varanasi.Courses of Sanghaseva and Open Dharma. Information about our beloved Pragya Vihar School in Bodh Gaya, Bihar with more than 500 pupils.
6. www.dharmayatra.org
A Yatra is a pilgrimage. Men, women and children have gone on walking pilgrimages for thousands of years. Since 2001, the annual French Yatra takes place in the foothills of the Pyrenees for 10 days in late July. Places for 125 adults and 25 children under the age of 16. Four dharma teachers and team co-ordinate the event. Often booked out by mid April.