Religious Rock. 30 of the Best Religious Rock Songs, plus 1

I make a regular pilgrimage on my bike to the local Totnes gym in Devon, UK. I take with me my MP3 player.

For seven years, I have been a paid up member of the Church of Gymism, where I bow down to the barbell and lift some modest weights up to Heaven.

A few days ago, I looked at my Most Played List on the MP3. Lots of songs had lyrics with a certain religious/spiritual flavour.

The word ‘religious’ here makes no reference to a religion or religions. A religious/spiritual flavour carries a deep intimation, a sense of the transcendent, beyond the song and its lyrics. We can find such intimations in all the religions. We can experience spiritual sensitivities in music.

Music offers reminders and revelations of the profound nature of human experience and our capacity to respond to reality.

Let’s dance to that. Let’s move to that.

Rock on….

Religious Rock. 30 of the Best Religious Rock Songs, plus 1 Read More »