
Self-Compassion. A Critique. Is Compassion the end of self-preoccupation – not the perpetuation of it?

Western society often has an obsessional tendency to adapt every issue of life to the needs of the self.

Self-compassion. Self-help. Self-acceptance. Self-interest. Love for myself. We hear about a connected Self. A separate Self. a True Self. Self- Actualisation. A Spiritual Self. Self-Enlightenment. Self, self, self. I, I, I, My, my my. …

Self-Compassion. A Critique. Is Compassion the end of self-preoccupation – not the perpetuation of it? Read More »

WELCOME TO THE WISE LOTUS CENTRE IN LETCHWORTH GARDEN CITY, HERTS, UK. More than 30 kinds of classes, sessions for Wellbeing

A Wellbeing Centre for the 21st Century is up and running on the high street In Letchworth Garden City (population 48,000) in Hertfordshire, UK. On the opposite side of the road to the Centre, you will see a lovely park. Letchworth is a beautiful garden city. …

WELCOME TO THE WISE LOTUS CENTRE IN LETCHWORTH GARDEN CITY, HERTS, UK. More than 30 kinds of classes, sessions for Wellbeing Read More »

Mindfulness of Teaching Children about Books and Reading

The teacher/parent functions as the agent for the teaching. The love and passion of the teacher on a subject communicates to children and young adults.

Teachers/parents need to be adventurous and creative in each class or at home to awaken interest, curiosity and love for literature whether a picture book, a book with graphics, a textbook, novel, essay, poem, verse, fiction or non-fiction.

A love of books, old and new, and a love of fine reading, can remain a lifelong passion telling us much about ourselves and life, itself.

Twelve Suggestions for Children on Mindfulness of Books, Mindfulness of Reading

1. Invite the youngster to hold the book and look at it, feel its weight. Ask the child questions about the feel of the book
2. If possible, take the children to explore the wonder of the local public library
3. Share your love of reading
4. Show the children lots of different books, old and new
5. Ask a child to read aloud a page, then ask another child to read a page or a few lines for each child
6. Ask the children to draw a picture of something that stands out in the book or write or share in a few words about the reading.
7. What is the feeling tone if the words are read out quickly.
8. What is the feeling tone if the words are read out slowly?
9. What truth is a story telling us.
10. Can the children develop together a story that could become a book?
11. Why do we often like to go back to a book we have already read.
12. Lots of people like reading in bed. Why is that?



Mindfulness of Teaching Children about Books and Reading Read More »

The Art of Teaching Mindfulness. 12 Points for Mindfulness Teachers

I know many Mindfulness teachers. I have the privilege of training citizens to be Mindfulness Teachers.  As teachers, let us be committed to walk the talk as much as possible. A wise teaching requires a wise teacher. Develop into a wise teacher. …

The Art of Teaching Mindfulness. 12 Points for Mindfulness Teachers Read More »

Guided Meditation on the Relative and Ultimate. Talk on Secular, Spiritual and Religious Views. Given to New Mindfulness Teachers

A warm welcome to every one of you.

We have a 30-minute guided meditation. A talk will follow the guided meditation on Mindfulness engaged with Secular, Spiritual and Religious Views. …

Guided Meditation on the Relative and Ultimate. Talk on Secular, Spiritual and Religious Views. Given to New Mindfulness Teachers Read More »

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