
Mindfulness Teacher Training Course (MTTC). 12 month online. Starting 7 – 8 June 2025

Mindfulness Teacher Training Course (MTTC). 12 month online. Starting 7 – 8 June 2025 Read More »

Mindfulness Teacher Training Course (MTTC). Online. June 2025 to June 2026. Do Join. Eight reasons why

Mindfulness Teacher Training Course (MTTC). Online. June 2025 to June 2026. Do Join. Eight reasons why Read More »

Mindfulness Teacher Training Course comes to a close. Trainees response

MTTC. Next 12 month Course starts June 2025.

Mindfulness Teacher Training Course comes to a close. Trainees response Read More »

Training in the Five Ethics of the Buddha. Most suffering would then disappear from this world

If the world engaged in the training of the five basic ethics in the Buddha’s teaching, most suffering would disappear from human existence.

If the world engaged in the training of any one of the five ethics, much suffering would disappear from the world. The disregard or contempt for one ethic can invite abuse of the other four.

The Buddha. In a Thai forest.

The teachings/training/practices of sīla remains an indispensable feature of the Buddha’s teachings to bring an end to harmful acts of our behaviour, often impacting on others, creatures and the natural world.

Sila means ethics expressed as virtuous behaviour in every area of daily life. Ethics provide the foundation and support for all Dharma teachings since often the greatest levels of suffering arises through neglect of values of care.

Teachings of Dharma/mindfulness/meditation/action require explicit reference to ethics from the start rather than going unspoken and unwritten. Sila needs to be explicit in teaching, not thinking it is implicit.

The author takes the view that Dharma/Buddhist/Mindfulness/Meditation teachers need to find the language to speak about ethics to the individual/family/businesses/arms industry/poison manufacturers/military/political establishment and more.

The Buddha on the Five Ethics

The Buddha referred to specific ethics on a regular basis with variation in meaning according to the situation. These five essential ethics apply to personal, social and political actions.

He referred to the ethics as a path of training – not as commandments or laws to be obeyed.

Teachings never support the violation of ethics through harmful views or support for a harmful political/religious/business/scientific or social ideology.

The Buddha advised people to state inwardly and to others

1.       ‘I undertake the path of training of refraining from killing living (breathing) beings.’

Not attacking, thus not leading to the destruction of life/slaughter/murder/killing.

2.      ‘I undertake the path of training of refraining from taking that which is not (or has not been) given.’

That which is not given, not granted, not offered, not appropriated to, not seized on, not taking from, not occupied.

3.      ‘I undertake the path of training of refraining from harmful behaviour with regard to pursuit of sensual/sexual pleasure.’

Desire, pursuit, craving refers to harm/abuse caused through thirst for pleasure, via the senses and desires for sexual manipulation/gratification.

4.      ‘I undertake the path of training of refraining from speaking falsely or misleading speech,

Discourses (suttas) includes refraining from harsh, slanderous and frivolous speech and remembering to speak what is true and useful.

5.      ‘I undertake the path of training of refraining from being careless or heedless due to liquor, spirits or any intoxicants (such as recreational drugs).’

Refrain from taking of any kind of intoxicants impacting on the mind to cause lack of clarity, carelessness, negligence, indolence and harmful behaviour.

Areas of Ethics

The Buddha also provided teachings on ethics without reference to the above five core ethics. These include:

  • sharing of experiences
  • exploration of karma
  • action and consequences
  • clinging to good and not good/evil
  • support of right view/right intention – right means not harmful plus nourishing and fulfilling.

Middle Length Discourses, as well as other texts, make regular references to the importance of ethics and its exploration in different areas.




Special thanks for Asaf Federman and Jenny Wilks. In the past two decades,
I have consulted Jenny and Asaf  on translations of certain Pali passages into English.
I have drawn above upon their translation of the five ethics and the meaning of key concepts.

Training in the Five Ethics of the Buddha. Most suffering would then disappear from this world Read More »

Do you know what is rare about the practice/teaching of mindfulness?

Join our online Mindfulness Teacher Training Course in June 2025 for 12 months.

Here is one reason

If you look at the helping professions, you can appreciate their specialisations – the doctor primarily focuses on the physical condition, the nurse supports the sick and other. Therapy, psychology, psychoanalysis, yoga thi chi, massage, diet, movement and much more employ a specific focus to contribute to wellness of body/mind/spirit for the student, client or practitioner.

Expertise and the skills in a specific area obviously matter in the healing process

Alongside support of the international mindfulness community, mindfulness has a major priority.

The application of mindfulness practice covers every single human activity of every day. No stone is left unturned. Practitioners develop a full and clear relationship to daily life to see what they need develop and what they need to change, inwardly and outwardly.

Without inner development and without inner change, the state of mind will continue as before. Perhaps this is the first point to remember in mindfulness.

Mindfulness includes reflection, time for meditating on what matters, and seeing the purpose of finding the wisdom with regard to events.

A Common Example

The wife attends a mindfulness course. She applies mindfulness to taking a shower, eating food, other activities, including being mindful of her relationship with husband.

During her practice, she suddenly realises how often she says the first thing that comes to her mind in talking to her husband, or rather, at her husband. She complains, regularly disagrees with him, finds fault with him and with people they know.

She makes a quiet commitment to take three three breaths before she speaks. Tone and attitude of her voice changes, showing kindness, empathy and consideration. Her husband feels the difference. Both feel a renewal of love for each other.

The wife continues her daily practice in her commitments, old and new, curious to see what comes up, revealing a new insight or realisation. Her husband sees the difference in her. He is happy for her and for himself the benefits of mindfulness she brings to the table!

Next Mindfulness Teacher Training Course. June 2025 to June 2026

We are currently in the 9th month of our 12-month MTTC, which finishes in early October 2024. There are people from 16 nations in four continents participating in the current Zoom course.

In June 2025, we start the next MTTC. So far, 50 people have put their name down to join the MTTC. Those who complete the Course receive an MTTC Certificate and CPD Certificate (a certificate for completing a professional training, accepted worldwide.

Here is the link to the website containing all the information you require. Overview, FAQ (Frequently asked Questions). Costs. Registration. Payment. Safeguards.


The MTTC is a comprehensive, in-depth course, supportive and nurturing

The Course will give practical support to yourself and others. Mindfulness teachers can adapt their teachings/communications/courses to a full range of people. Mindfulness can support the young and old, healthy and sick, rich and poor, happy and unhappy.

Teachers can employ their prior experience and knowledge in a particular area. They can offer their wisdom and kindness to parents, partner, children, friends, workers in the public/private/self-employed sector and the homeless, prisoners, the hospitalised and wherever people gather or 1-1 inter-views.

There is a registration cost, plus a brief request for a donation during the course. Registration payment starts on 1 September 2024. You can put your name down to reserve a place. See flyer above for email address.

A single insight can change the life of yourself and others.

Do join the MTTC.

Do you know what is rare about the practice/teaching of mindfulness? Read More »

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