
An Inquiry. From Ego to Inter-Connectedness and the Expanse

A retreatant participates in an Inquiry. An Inquiry does not include theories, abstract ideas, speculations or views of about the future. She or he sits besides myself in the front of the Dharma hall. A participant can speak about or ask about any significant issue of concern and interest that she or he wishes. An Inquiry might last for five minutes or 25 minutes and sometimes longer.. The Inquiry offers mindful/meditative listening for all of us. An Inquiry can generate an insight or understanding for questioner, listeners and teacher. The participant or myself can say ‘thank you’ to bring the Inquiry to a close at any time.  An inquiry might close with understanding or possibly for further reflection. 

Here is an example of an Inquiry. This Inquiry took place on the retreat in the Thai Monastery in Sarnath, India in February 2020. A few spots of editing help make clear when reading. Different initials used for person.

An Inquiry. From Ego to Inter-Connectedness and the Expanse Read More »

Who am I? 90 minutes Online. Do join. 18.00 UK time. Sunday 10 March, 2019. Host is WorldwideInsight

Sunday March 10th 2019. Online.  Led by Christopher Titmuss.
Christopher offers 30 minute meditation instruction, 30 minute teachings, and live Q&A on video.
Offered on dana (donation)
1am Pacific US Time,
2pm Eastern US time,
6pm UK time,
7pm European time. Please note the earlier-than-usual start time in the UK and Europe.

Who am I? 90 minutes Online. Do join. 18.00 UK time. Sunday 10 March, 2019. Host is WorldwideInsight Read More »

On Loss, Grief and Liberation. A review of The Magnamimous Heart by Narayan Liebenson

On Loss, Grief and Liberation. A review of The Magnamimous Heart by Narayan Liebenson Read More »

Upcoming Teachings. Brighton and Totnes, England in January 2019, India in February and online in March

Saturday 19 January 2019. Brighton, Sussex, England. One day course.

Thursday 10 and 24 January 2019. Totnes Meditation Group. Evening.

Guided Meditation and Q and A. …

Upcoming Teachings. Brighton and Totnes, England in January 2019, India in February and online in March Read More »

An Experience is Not the Point. It is the View that Matters. Live Teaching. Worldwide Insight. Sunday 13 May, 2018 at 19..00 UK time. Do Join

We will explore this theme on Sunday 13 May, 2018 at 19.00 with Worldwide Insight, via online video.

A deep application of attention includes the sustained application to any important experience. This includes  a vast range of happy or painful, spiritual or conventional experiences.

There is the view of the experience and the experience.

What is a fresh way to see an important experience?

Does the view of the experience matter more than the experience?

An Experience is not the Point

We might imagine that the Dharma points eventually to a profound experience (s) to transform our life.

There is the potential to have a wide ranges of experiences. These include childhood, emotional, secular, religious, mystical, spiritual and insightful experiences.

Yes, clarity and wisdom can emerge out of the variety of experiences. We can keep our heart and mind open to the variety of experiences.

An experience essentially consists of a movement or non-movement of the heart-mind-consciousuness.

An experience arises due to the conditions, stays due to the conditions and passes due to the conditions.

There is no such thing as an everlasting experience.

A view based on a deep experience does not confirm the realty. We can have experiences of oneness, non-duality, the now, expansive realms, experiences beyond words and profound changes in consciousness. We can experience I am That or I am not That.

We do not have to put any experience whatsoever into an ultimate state or relegate any experience into a a mundane category.

Liberation and awakening ends any clinging, dependency or view based on any experience. Liberation and freedom do not fall into the box of experiences. This is a great relief.

Seeing and knowing this allows all experiences to present themselves for a whiie, stay and pass.

Sunday Evening (UK time)

We will explore our relationship to experiences.

Do join us live on Sunday evening on the international screen.

Home page of worldwide insight will tell you your time at 19.00 (UK) on Sunday evening.


An Experience is Not the Point. It is the View that Matters. Live Teaching. Worldwide Insight. Sunday 13 May, 2018 at 19..00 UK time. Do Join Read More »

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