
Embodiment Conference Library. Open doors for free from 10-14 December 2021. With link. Access to around 1000 talks.

The Embodiment Conference library opening its doors for free from 10 – 14 December 2021 to encourage people to explore online teachings through listening to teachers.

The organisers have invited a wide of range with knowledge and expertise in their particular field. …

Embodiment Conference Library. Open doors for free from 10-14 December 2021. With link. Access to around 1000 talks. Read More »

Is the Ultimate Goal of Spirituality Important to You? Guided Meditation/Talk. Given in Embodiment Meditation Week. 15 November 2021

Embodiment Conference offered five days of online Embodiment Meditation between Monday 15 to Friday 19 November 2021. The conference invited a range of teachers to speak on an aspect of meditation.  …

Is the Ultimate Goal of Spirituality Important to You? Guided Meditation/Talk. Given in Embodiment Meditation Week. 15 November 2021 Read More »

GOING DEEP IN MEDITATION. Zoom Teachings/Practices. Tuesday 7- 11 September 2021. Starting 20.00. Israel time. See other time zones in text. CET is one hour behind Israel.

Do join our Zoom teachings/practices between from a Tuesday evening 7 September to a Saturday morning starting 11 September – Israel time.
Participants appreciate the opportunity to attend teachings/practices and explore mindfulness and meditation at home.
The sessions provide an opportunity for depth and inner renewal.
A single sentence can change a life. …

GOING DEEP IN MEDITATION. Zoom Teachings/Practices. Tuesday 7- 11 September 2021. Starting 20.00. Israel time. See other time zones in text. CET is one hour behind Israel. Read More »

International Zoom Teachings/Practices. Join for an hour, a day, a weekend. Friday 23 – 25 July 2021. Mindfulness. Insight Meditation (Vipassana) and Beyond. See Five Time zone. On Donation.

Welcome to our weekend International Zoom Teachings Friday to Sunday 23-25 July, 2021.

You can join just for a single Dharma talk/instructions/guided meditation etc. or for a day or the whole period.

On Donation. Simply send your email address with dates of Zoom teachings to register. I will send you the Zoom link on Thursday 22 July.

Three sessions per full day online and instructions/practices at home and elsewhere.

It is an opportunity to engage in mindfulness/meditation practice at home with the support of teachings, instructions and others practising at home.

Do join.


23-25 July 2021

Theme: Benefits of Mindfulness and Benefits Beyond Mindfulness

Teacher: Christopher Titmuss

All are welcome. On Donation (dana)
Mindfulness. Insight Meditation (Vipassana), Reflection, Four Postures. Guided Meditations. Sharing. Practices at home.
Remember to ensure you use right time for your time zone.

There are three Zoom meetings per day.

UK time is 1 hr earlier than before CET

Israel time  is one hour later than CET          India is 3.5 hours later than     CET

Australia (NSW) is 8 hours later than CET

Attend as many sessions as you can.
Suitable for Beginners and Experienced Meditators.
Friday 23 July 2021 CET UK USA (EST) India Australia
Talk. Meditation Instructions. Guided Meditation 20.00 – 21.00 19.00-20.00 14.00-15.00 23.30-00.30 4-5am
 Saturday 24 July CET UK USA (EST) India Australia
Talk. Instructions. Guided Meditation 9-10 am 8-9am 3-4am 12.30-13.30 17.00-18.00
Mindful Work Period. Indoors 10-11 am 9-10am 4-5am 13.30-14.30 18.00-19.00
Walking Meditation. Indoors or Outdoors 11 – noon 10-11am 5-6am 14.30-15.30 19.00-20.00
Sitting Meditation. Standing Meditation 12.00 – 13.00 11-noon 6-7am 15.30-16.30 20.00-21.00
A Mindful Lunch. 13.00 – 15.00 12.00-14.00 7-9am 16.30-18.30 21.00-23.00
Practices. Indoors and Outdoors. 15.00 – 16.00 14.00-15.00 9-10am 18.30-19.30 23.00


Walking Meditation 16.00 – 17.00 15.00-16.00 10-11am 19.30-20.30
Zoom Teachings on Mindfulness and Beyond 17.00 – 18.00 16.00-17.00 11-noon 20.30-21.30
Evening food 18.00 – 19.30 17.00-18.30 12.00-13.30 21.30-23.00
Sitting Meditation 19.30 – 20.00 18.30-19.00 13.30-14.00 23.00-23.30
Zoom Teachings. Sharing. Q and A. 20.00 – 20.30 19.00-19.30 14.00-14.30 23.30-midnight
End of the day of mindfulness and meditation
Outside these times: Listening meditation, Silent Meditation
Sunday 25 July CET UK USA (EST) India Australia
Meditation Instructions. Meditation 9.00 – 10.00am 8-9am 3-4am 12.30-13.30 17.00-18.00
Mindful Work Period. Indoors 10-11am 9-10am 4-5am 13.30-14.30 18.00-19.00
Walking Meditation. Indoors or Outdoors. 11-noon 10-11am 5-6am 14.30-15.30 19.00-20.00
Sitting Meditation. Standing Meditation. 12.00-13.00 11-noon 6-7am 15.30-16.30 20.00-21.00
Lunch 13-14.00 12.00-13.00 7-8am 16.30-17.30 21.00-22.00
Teachings/Practices for Daily life. Sharing, Donations. Loving Kindness Meditation 14.00-15.00 13.00-14.00 8-9am 17.30-18.30 22.00-21.00
End of Zoom Retreat
Christopher Titmuss, a senior Dharma teacher in the West, focusses on insight meditation (vipassana), the expansive heart, enquiry into emptiness of ego and liberation.
Poet, blogger, photographer and social critic, he is the author of numerous books including The Buddha of Love, Light on Enlightenment and the Spiritual Roots of Mindfulness. More than 1000 of his talks are freely available on He has lived in Totnes, Devon, England since 1982.
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International Zoom Teachings/Practices. Join for an hour, a day, a weekend. Friday 23 – 25 July 2021. Mindfulness. Insight Meditation (Vipassana) and Beyond. See Five Time zone. On Donation. Read More »

Start an Insight Journal. Free from streams of words about what you think, what you did and who you saw.

We often think of a diary or journal as an account of what did from one day to the next. We might write about our feelings and thoughts about ourselves, another(s) and places.

From time to time, you might uncover an insight when you write about an experience.

An Insight Journal (to give this kind of journal a name) makes insight the whole purpose of the writing. …

Start an Insight Journal. Free from streams of words about what you think, what you did and who you saw. Read More »

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