I offer three consecutive mindfulness/insight meditation retreats at the Waldhaus Buddhist Zentrum near Andernach, Germany from 12 – 24 October 2021.
There are two five-day retreats and one weekend retreat.
The third retreat from 22-24 October was added yesterday. There are currently plenty of spaces. The weekend retreat may not be on the website.
If you would like to join, please email the Waldhaus Centre below to book a place.
The retreats consist of comprehensive mindfulness/meditation instructions in sitting, walking, standing/reclining, inter-views with myself, inquiry, questions and answers and a daily talk. Silence is a major feature of these retreats. Suitable for beginners and experienced meditators.
Waldhaus website will provide residential costs. The teacher invites donations at the end of the retreat to support the ongoing teaching.
Three Residential Retreats at the Waldhaus Zentrum, Andernach, Germany between 12-24 October 2021. Do join.Read More »