
Appeal for our Inter-Faith School in the place of the Buddha’s enlightenment. Prajna Vihar School in Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India.

Dear Ones,

A Happy New Year to all Subscribers and everybody else.

A warm welcome to the new website for the Prajna Vihar School, Bodh Gaya, India.

The school celebrates 35 years since the conception of our inter-faith school, which  currently supports 440 poor children in Bodh Gaya.

We need your help.

Please think of a financial gift for our interfaith school for poor children.

Morning Assembly

Morning Meditation at Prajna Vihar School during assembly

To go direct to Prajna Vihar School website: Click Here

You can make a real difference. See at the top of website’s home page our link to easy to use Donation page. You can offer a donation either with PayPal or a credit/debit card.

Every donation helps to keep the school running. All donations from you go directly to support the children’s education.

With its progressive vision, Prajna Vihar School cultivates

  • Mutual respect between faiths,
  • Secular values,
  • Equal opportunity,
  • Diversity,
  • The Arts from Dance to Painting
  • Mindfulness/meditation/prayer/yoga.
  • Eco-values and actions

The school provides a full secular education with excellent teachers showing the way to fulfillment and wellbeing.

Some of our children were beggars for their families pleading for money from pilgrims worldwide in Bodh Gaya. Some of these same children now go to university and have found well paid careers for their family.

Cost per pupil for a full year of education.

​Exchange rates can fluctuate

  • Indian rupees 7500
  • A$135.00
  • Euros €80.00
  • UK £58.00
  • US $90.00

That’s about $45,000 per year for running costs.

Do take a look at the texts, 120 photos, large, medium and small, plus six videos on our website created in October 2024.

Let us know your impression of the school from the website or from a visit – so we can pass on to the school.

Send your email to:

Pass the appeal on.

Happy season’s greetings.

Lots of love from the children, teachers and trustees in India.

Appeal for our Inter-Faith School in the place of the Buddha’s enlightenment. Prajna Vihar School in Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India. Read More »

Our beloved school in Bodh Gaya, India. A school report revealing happiness

Our beloved Prajna Vihar School (School of Wise Abiding) in Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India provides classes for more than 500 children, plus meditation, the performing arts and steps to liberation from severe poverty.

Most of the children come from many of the poorest families in the area.

School includes prayer, singing, dance, mindfulness, meditation, sharing and giving. Pupils have an excellent record with learning/exams and winning local competitions from essays to the performing arts.

In 1992, the school took root in a modest way with around 40 children in a class in a monastery and gradually expanded over the years. Plenty of children attending our school were beggars on the streets of Bodh Gaya, a major place of pilgrimage for Buddhists worldwide. These same children went on to attend university, learn foreign languages to become tourists guides, work in Bollywood, manage hotels and are CEOs of their own growing businesses.

Education has the power to liberate young and old from desperate hardship.

Years ago, we used to have a sign hanging up in the school. “Boys learn for themselves. Girls go home and teach all their family reading, writing and arithmetic.” Some of the boys got the message!

You cannot imagine the happiness of the parents, many illiterate, who spent their life living in mediaeval poverty. They witness their children become confident citizens making a real contribution to India, to society, their community and their parents.

Prajna Vihar School (School of Abiding Wisdom) welcomes children of all backgrounds and religious faith. Our head teacher is a Catholic nun. Teachers and pupils are Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, secular and more.

School Report

This week our beloved school sent a report to supporters of the school from late December 2023 to late March 2024. Here is an edited version.

8th December 2023

We had farewell program for our 9th and 10th class students. It was a great joy for each one of us that they have completed their schooling in Prajna Vihar School for 10/12 years most of them. That they have received good knowledge/education & learned many things for their future. So, in remembrance of PVS (Prajna Vihar School) a small gift, a pocket Dictionary was given to them. And our wish is that pupils may have a long life, a better future and become good citizens.

23rd December 2023

We had today Christmas celebration in Jeevan Sangham with Inter -Religious people. Our students took part in the Christmas quiz competition, and our students won the Ist prize. Everyone congratulated them and they were very happy & thrilled with joy. They received the shield as a personal and in the name of the school. Wherever our students take part they always win the prize. We feel proud of them and thank God for our students.

6th January 2024

Three friends from France came on the 5th to our school and expressed the wish to distribute for our students a sweater and pen. We cannot forget their love towards our students, who were in great need. May God Bless them in their every endeavors.

26th January 2024

On this day we celebrated 76th Republic Day. We invited our Chief Guest Prof. Kailash Prasad, who willingly accepted our invitation and came. After hoisting the flag and playing the National Anthem there was March Past, P.T., Patriotic & action songs and dance performed well by our budding stars.

29th January 2024

Today from Corian Temple two Dhamma Buddha’s came with flowers and two Guava Plants which were planted in the campus. We are grateful for their generosity.

31st January 2024

Today the friends of Vietnamese came along with our old students. They distributed some eatable things for all the students. They brought and distributed Maggi packet, Rusk and Chocolate among our all students. Our students were excited with joy and the Vietnamese friends were also very much delighted.

1st – 3rd February 2024. In Mahabodhi Society there was 133rd Anniversary Celebration. They invited all the close by school students to take part in their celebration. They have kept 1st day Prayerful dance, 2nd day dance program outside and 3rd day a dance from Shri Lankan dancers performed. it was very excited to see. At the end, all the students and the teachers were given a small gift.

7th February 2024

Today in Mahabodhi Society there was Meditation training conducted by the Hyderabadi persons. Our students were called specially to join the meditation training for their future life. So, we sent the 7th and 8 class students for this training. We believe that this may help them to their lifelong journey.

12th March 2024

The Vietnamese group came on 11th March to find out with our old student Awdhesh Kumar from Mastipur Village. They asked what is needed at present for the children? So, we suggested them that if you give writing material. They asked us how many? We also asked: We asked, “Will you provide for all the students or some of them.” They replied enthusiastically that they will provide for all the students. So, we arranged with the shop keepers and brought the copies. The group distributed to the students at our school with delight. We were very grateful for their generosity of heart. May the Good Lord bless them in all what they do.

13th and 14th March 2024

Special Guest Radha Nicholson from NSW, Australia and Mr. Bryan Tucker from Boston, USA (two Dharma teachers) visited our school over several days. Mr. Bryan gave beautiful motivational stories, which Sapna Mam helped the children understand. The children were very happy to hear the stories.

16th March 2024

Today, we said farewell for the 8th class students. Beautiful prayer prayers were said by students and teaches for their successful future life. There was a small entertainment program and farewell song by the students of class 7th. After that Sr. Udita, the Principal appreciated the students being with us for 10 years or from 5-9 years. Snacks were served for the outgoing students and all those who were present for the program.

27th March 2024

Today we were filled with great joy, because being a Holi feast. We were untouched by any Holi color. We welcomed Radha Nicholson, Mr. Bryan and 27 friends from different countries like Australia, France, Israel, Sweden and India. We were very much exhilarated with joy. Our students were very. happy, active. Everybody danced and enjoyed together. And Mr. Bryan too played his musical instrument. People sang a song with much expression – (Raghupati Raghaw Raja Ram Patita Pawan Sita Ram.) We enjoyed singing together. We were thankful to everybody for their sacrificing spirit, mind and Heart.

May the Good Lord bless the students and keep them under his loving protection,

May they be able to continue the work which they are continuously doing.

May Good Lord fill them with Peace, joy and Happiness.

Some gave a donation for the running costs of the school.

Sr Udita, the Principal, acknowledge their presence among us.

May God bless you all.

To learn and see more about our school, look at our website.

You can also donate. See link at top of home page.

We plan to provide a brand-new website in the weeks ahead.

Our beloved school in Bodh Gaya, India. A school report revealing happiness Read More »

Join our Online Course. The Buddha for Daily Life. Powers of Mind. Mindfulness and Concentration. Saturday 6, 13, 20 and 27 May. CET. 8 am – 9.30 am. 

Join our Online Course. The Buddha for Daily Life. Powers of Mind. Mindfulness and Concentration. Saturday 6, 13, 20 and 27 May. CET. 8 am – 9.30 am.  Read More »

New UK Prime Minister is Rishi Sunak, a practising Hindu. Will the PM endorse the teachings of the Hindu tradition to develop our society? 17 Questions to the PM.

Here are 17 Questions to the new UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, a Hindu from an Indian family. The questions invite the PM to bring the wisdom of the Hindu tradition into the heart of politics and society in the UK. …

New UK Prime Minister is Rishi Sunak, a practising Hindu. Will the PM endorse the teachings of the Hindu tradition to develop our society? 17 Questions to the PM. Read More »

Christopher Titmuss. E News September 2022. Information. Links. Social Media, Blog updates, Audio library, Memoir and more.

Who will you listen to when they declare, they swirl all round you

they always know best, and then try changing you

so then beware upon those judges whim to fix your fate

as though they can offer real security

then deceive you with their maturity.

Poems from the Edge of Time by Christopher Titmuss

Dear Friends,

A warm welcome to every one of our 7300 subscribers of the current issue of the Christopher e-News.

In the previous e-News, I mentioned I have divided the e-News into two sections.

The e-News has expanded in recent years to over 35 pages. The two sections will reduce the length of each news.

This edition of the e-News includes information about social media, blog updates, audio library, books and more.

To reduce length, the next e-News published next month will only contain my international teaching schedule for residential and zoom programmes.

THE PRECISION OF PALI LANGUAGE (language of the Buddha).

Past. Present. Future. Hope

Explore the subtle meaning to change your view of such concepts as past, present, future and hope.

The teachings make clear our view of what we view matters as much the viewed including past, present or future.


We can refer to these three concepts of time as if each category had its own existence.

Pali shows nuances in the original meaning

Scholars translate:

• Pali word for atita as past

• Pali for paccuppanna as present

• Pali agata as future.

There is an active tone to the Pali rather than something fixed. The Pali invites inquiry into conditions.

A precise translation of the three Pali words

• That which did arrive or did arose

• That which has arrived or is arising

• That which has not arrived or will arise.


Western culture regularly uses the language of hope.

The English dictionary definition says hope means to cherish a desire with anticipation.

Western Buddhists will claim the Pali word apekkha means hope.

The Pali-English Dictionary of the Pali Text Society does not translate apekkha as hope.

The Pali Dictionary states apekkha means expectation/waiting for/longing for.

The Pali does not put a positive desire on might or will arise, as in the word hope.

The stronger your positive desire for a future arising the stronger the disappointment if your cherished anticipation does not bear fruit.

A monk, Desaka said to a gravely ill monk. “We hope you are bearing up. We hope you are getting better. We hope that your painful feelings are subsiding.”

Khemak responded, “I am not bearing up I am not getting better, Strong, painful feelings are increasing.

Desaka dropped saying again his positive desire to the monk to bear up and get better.

Instead he asked him a question. Are you clinging to body, feelings and perceptions?!

Khemak responsed: “I do not regard any of these experiences as belonging to myself. I do not regard any of this as This I Am.”

The monks delighted in his words.


The Pali terms nappatikankhe anagatam gets translated as ‘on the future build his hopes.’

A literal translation: Being certain about what has not yet come.

Both apekkha and nappatikankhe anagatam encourage us to take care in the ways we think and talk about the future.

Our view influences what arose, is arising, not arrived or will arise – sometimes far more than we realise. The view reveals an activity and so does the viewed.


Here is a selection of recent blogs from early September going back to late July 2022. Around 878,000 have viewed the blog since it was first launched.
TEN YEARS AND TEN DAYS. A 528 PAGE MEMOIR written by Christopher

I have received many kind words from readers worldwide after they read the Memoir. The book offers an exploration of experiences, insights and can provide inspiration for others to engage in a lifelong interest in life on Earth.
The book and Kindle version with photos is available on Amazon books in many countries.
The Memoir of 10 years on the road includes a hippy life, mind-altering drugs, romantic encounters and brushes with death. The book covers travels through 20 countries, the discipline for three years in a strict Vipassana monastery in Thailand, nine months in a cave and meetings with leading spiritual teachers in Thailand and India. I met and talked with some of the finest spiritual/Buddhist/Hindu teachers in Thailand and India.
Besides the letters, I also drew upon 30 diaries and notebooks, plus my memory of events from 1967 to 1977. The freedom to explore confirms an infinite potential for discovery.
ISBN 978-1-5272-8274-2
Published June 2021.
£14.95. 528 pages.
£6.95 Kindle e-Book.
Memoir is easily available via Amazon (the publisher) websites in many Western countries.


I have three Facebook Pages

1. Christopher Titmuss.

Link to Christopher Titmuss Facebook Page

3.4K Facebook friends. Many Friends have connection with Buddhist practices, Meditation, Mindfulness, Vipassana, Yoga, Advaita and more. There are also plenty of Friends, who give priority to outer change – social/political/enviromental/global issues. Others have a thoughtful interest in topics touched upon on the Facebook page.

2. Christopher Titmuss Public Figure Page

Link to Christopher Titmuss Public Figure Page


I recently started to reuse this Facebook page after an absence since last year.

I often place a link from an item on the blog on the above Facebook pages. Some people post a Comment on the Facebook Friends or Facebook Followers page or put a comment on the blog.

3. Christopher Titmuss Teachings

Link to Christopher Titmuss Teachings Group

Around 760 Members. You need to send a request to join.

This Facebook Page started in July 2022.

I post a question weekly. Members can respond in the Comment section.

I collate many responses so Members can read through. I then add in the post a response from myself after the Comments.

HERE ARE THE WEEKLY QUESTIONS from late July to early September

  • Who am I?
  • Four Kinds of Action: 1. Skilful Action. 2. Unskilful Action. 3. Neutral Action. 4…?
  • Is insecurity related to the desire to control and/or other factors?
  • What are the benefits and limits of stepping into the unknown?
  • Is building up self-esteem an exercise in futility?
  • Is tiredness a state of mind dependent on the view of it?
  • What is the difference between compassion and pity?
  • What is the difference between need and greed?

I have around 1200 contacts on Linkedin and around 600 followers on Twitter.

A link from the blog often goes to Linkedin and Twitter to notify contacts.

While rarely looking at these platforms, I plan to develop more contact.


Talks and interviews available on SoundCloud 1280 Dharma talks, inquiries and interviews freely available.

Link to Soundcloud Recordings from April 2022 Retreat in Waldhaus Germany

Talk, inquiries and interviews also on holds makes 451 talks freely available.

Link to

Interviews include Ajahn Buddhadasa, Meichee Patomwon and Poonja-ji.

Some of the most popular Dharma talks are:

The Buddha And His Dysfunctional Family

Mindfulness, The Self and Emptiness

The Power of Truth

The Spirituality of Mindfulness

Sri Ramana Maharshi and The Buddha


Flickr is an online photo management and sharing application. There are 200 albums on Flickr containing my 18,600 photographs, starting 2006.

Photos include Sangha, Totnes, India, Australia, Europe, Dharma Yatras in France/Germany, nature, family, upbringing, monkhood and travels.

Link to Flikr Photos


Dharma Channel Christopher Titmuss 1. 92 videos. 595 subscribers.

Link to Dharma YouTube Channel

Themes in videos include Intro, Guided Meditation on Loving Kindness, short talks on love, intimacy, fear, dana (donations), reading, shopping etc.

A second Channel. 23 videos. 688 subscribers.

Link to Christopher Titmuss YouTube Channel

Themes included Guided Meditations on breath, body, states of mind, dharma, global pollution of mind, being a vegetarian, a 65-year pilgrimage (7 mins. Photos from babyhood to age of 65 with commentary)


Do join our classes and courses held in The Wise Lotus Centre, 35 minutes on the train north from Kings Cross station in central London, UK.
TWLC has a rapidly expanding programme throughout the week. The Centre keeps  as affordable as possible to support adults and children. Centre offers evening meetings/classes. The programme includes mindfulness, meditation, yoga, holistic therapies, self-care, public talks, classes for families, children and businesses. Nshorna teaches mindfulness and other classes/workshops for adults and children in the Centre. She sells a range of wellbeing items and beautiful gift sets on Etsy and in her shop: Every package is plastic-free as much as possible, and includes a mindfulness practise leaflet.

DONATIONS for Christopher

Different Ways to offer donations(dana) to support Christopher
•    You can make donations via your PAYPAL, STRIPE or Credit/Debit Card
•    You do not need a PAYPAL account.
Inspired by his years as a Buddhist monk (1970-1976) Christopher depends upon donations rather than charge for teachings. Christopher only teaches in centres where he considers the daily rate affordable.
You can also make a bank transfer to my bank account in Devon, England. I will email you my bank details.
Thank you for your kind support.


Christopher Titmuss. E News September 2022. Information. Links. Social Media, Blog updates, Audio library, Memoir and more. Read More »

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