Policies not Personality



Judging from the media here, Europe has projected a massive amount of optimism on US presidential candidate Barack Obama. The presence of more than 220,000 German citizens in Berlin to listen to his short speech reflects the European mood. We live in the shadow of everything American, the good, the bad and the ugly.


With the current White House administration finally coming to its close, and a common view that the world has had to endure the worst presidency in American History, there is an unqualified optimism here for Senator Obama. We project equally dark and light shadows on leaders.


We, Europeans, are falling into the same trap as American politics. We are confusing personality with policies. The Buddha wisely warned against this confusion. To stress his point, he said the noble ones (those who have realised Truth as a liberating force) see through personality belief.


I spent numerous hours over a couple of some days listening to Barack Obama on Youtube, reading his speeches on his websites, as well as reading numerous online articles and comments on his policies. I took lots and lots of notes. While taking the risk of taking his words out of context, I have put together a 2000 word article on Obama, his policies and personality, with brief extracts from the media. I have quotes from Barack Obama on Iraq, Afghanistan, the military, Israel, stem cell research, nuclear power, capital punishment, hand gun control etc.


I suspect that if Mr Obama stood for election in any country in the European Union and expoused such political policies, then the 300 million plus citizens of the EU would express outrage as such conservative policies. He shows a hubris at times about the USA that spreads alarm among thoughtful people.


In early August, I will send out to my dharma e-News subscribers my very brief summary of the policies of the Democratic candidate. You will see what I mean.


Mind you, I appreciate his cool reserve. It sits well with some of us who are old school English.






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