Mass Covid-19 Vaccinations of British citizens soon gets underway. What is your view on vaccinations? 12 Points for Reflection.

British government told UK citizens this week it has granted permission for Pfizer-BioNTech, a US-German pharmaceutical company, to provide mass vaccinations for Covid-19 for the country. …

Mass Covid-19 Vaccinations of British citizens soon gets underway. What is your view on vaccinations? 12 Points for Reflection. Read More »

Big Screens at the President-elect Victory Speech said ‘The People have Chosen Empathy. ‘ From humble beginnings…

One dictator lost his job. The people fired him. A few more to go.
I watched on YouTube the 15 minute victory speech of President-elect Biden.
Worth a view.
I also watched the 15 minute speech of vice-President elect Kamala Harris (mother from India, father from Jamaica).
Fine speeches.

Big Screens at the President-elect Victory Speech said ‘The People have Chosen Empathy. ‘ From humble beginnings… Read More »

Covid-19 Certificate for Travel. Discretion. Our Important Job Creation Scheme.

Last Thursday, 22 October 2020, I flew out of London Heathrow Airport for the 90 minute flight to Frankfurt Airport, Germany. Around 15 minutes before landing, the flight attendant came to each passenger to ask if we were in transit to another country at Frankfurt or disembarking to stay in Germany. …

Covid-19 Certificate for Travel. Discretion. Our Important Job Creation Scheme. Read More »

Do I Create My Own Suffering? Does Another Create My Suffering? Or between us, we create suffering? Or is it Chance, Fate or Destiny?

The Buddha expressed a profound concern on our holding to personal views about the causes of suffering. If we do, we can blame ourselves, blame others, both ourselves and others or believe in circumstances we cannot prove.

I would advise every person looking into suffering to read and re-read the following words of the Buddha until deeply understood. In the bamboo grove in the Squirrel Sanctuary, Raghir in Bihar, India, the Buddha had  an inquiry with an austere yogi from another sect: …

Do I Create My Own Suffering? Does Another Create My Suffering? Or between us, we create suffering? Or is it Chance, Fate or Destiny? Read More »

Welcome to Heathrow Airport, London. One of the World’s Busiest Airports?

I took the train from home in Totnes, Devon, to London Paddington, a three hour journey departing Totnes at 8 am with perhaps eight or 10 passengers in our compartment. …

Welcome to Heathrow Airport, London. One of the World’s Busiest Airports? Read More »

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