Christopher e-News. Reflections, teaching timetable for 2021 and more.
Christopher e-News. Reflections, teaching timetable for 2021 and more.Read More »
Christopher e-News. Reflections, teaching timetable for 2021 and more. Read More »
Christopher e-News. Reflections, teaching timetable for 2021 and more.Read More »
Christopher e-News. Reflections, teaching timetable for 2021 and more. Read More »
This week, the news told us more than 100,000 people in the UK have died from Covid-19 in a year. That’s the fourth highest of the 215 nations. One in 63 people in Britain currently have Covid-19. That is more than one million people at any given time.
We might find ourselves thinking about life, death and the end of the world.
Areas of Science give priority to the future and ecological disaster unless we change our behaviour. The end of the world for sentient life could be getting closer as the world slowly gets hotter and hotter.
Areas of religion refer to the end of the world. ‘The end of the world is at hand.’
People regard death as the end of the world for them., whether secular or religious.
The human experience of the ‘world’ consists of consciousness inter-acting with sense objects and the mind.
The world seems to consist of a world of diversity of things and diversity of views about things.
One view might claim we all live in the same world and another views claims we live in different worlds.
Claims of what is true, half true and false abound.
CLICK ON TITLE BELOW to watch or just listen to video given on Sunday 7 February 2021
Dharma teachings point to the ‘end of the world.’
Can a depth of meditation and reflection reveal the end of the world?
This question lies at the heart of the Buddha-Dharma.
Session includes a 30 minute guided meditation on the ‘world’ and pointing to the end of the world.
A Dharma talk follows for 30 minutes on the theme.
A Question and Answer session for the final 30 minutes.
The Buddha Walllah* is a 90-minute documentary following the international journeys of Christopher Titmuss between 2008 and 2010.
The documentary includes Totnes, England, France, Germany, India, Israel, Palestine, Myanmar and Thailand, …
I joined Facebook Friends over 12 years ago. After, initially, inviting some friends and family to connect, via Facebook, I then switched over primarily to people I did NOT know to accept as Facebook Friends providing me with an opportunity to reach out to internationals. …
This is my last Critique linked from my Blog to Facebook for a stretch of timeRead More »
This is my last Critique linked from my Blog to Facebook for a stretch of time Read More »
We are human We have spirit. Here is the living proof.Facemasks, social distancing and dancing move in harmony.
Country after country responds to the Jerusalema Dance Challenge. …