Photos. 13th year. Grandson and Grandfather.

Grandson. Photo taken on 03.04.2021. Taken at home in Totnes, Devon, England. In  his 13th Year.

Grandfather. Photo taken in 1957. Taken at John Fisher School, Purley, Surrey. England. In his 13th year. …

Photos. 13th year. Grandson and Grandfather. Read More »


These guidelines  were written in 2000 following retreats in India. The guidelines were updated in 2012. They were originally published on one of my websites. A few minor edits were made this year. …


Sleep in nature for a night. 25 Items for Walking Pilgrimage, Yatra, Hiking, Camping. Join our Yatra (Covid-19 permitting) near Reutlingden, Germany in early August 2021

The outdoors offers an invitation. You may be blessed to have a garden. You may live near open countryside. You could sleep out for a night in the woods, a field or close to a river. Wake up to the dawn chorus. Experience the intimacy with life. …

Sleep in nature for a night. 25 Items for Walking Pilgrimage, Yatra, Hiking, Camping. Join our Yatra (Covid-19 permitting) near Reutlingden, Germany in early August 2021 Read More »

Covid-19. We read today that 4,274,579 people have tested positive so far in the whole of the UK. Yet only 1599 people have tested positive in South Hams, Devon. Why?

In early January 2021, the British government made an announcement to every citizen in the country.

The announcement stated:

“From Monday 4 January, the whole of England is now in National Lockdown.

“You must stay at home.

Covid-19. We read today that 4,274,579 people have tested positive so far in the whole of the UK. Yet only 1599 people have tested positive in South Hams, Devon. Why? Read More »

Trump as Buddha. Do sincere Trumpists cultivate suffering?

Do dedicated followers of Trumpism practice greed, hate and delusion?

Sincere Trumpists appear to support the supremacy of self-interest, the supremacy of the American dream and the supremacy of their Nation State.  Do you have faith in Trumpism?

Is their mantra Blow your own Trumpet?

A 14 foot statue of The Trump is available for $614, It is not known if there is a high demand for the statue except perhaps for the entrance to all Trump buildings and for the front  garden of his mansions and golf courses.

We cannot confirm whether Mr Trump plans  to build Trump Temples throughout the USA.

Watch this space.

Amazon may have a future offer of buy one statue and get ten free.

Edited Article in the New York Times. 13.03.2021

A cast of “Trump, the Buddha of Knowing of the Western Paradise,” by the Chinese sculptor Hong Jinshi. The artwork, as well as countless imitations, can be purchased on the e-commerce site Taobao. Credit...Xiaoya

A furniture maker and decorator in China created a stir — and inspired copycats — by casting a ceramic sculpture of the former president in a meditative pose that evokes the Buddha.A furniture maker and decorator in southern China has cast a sculpture of Mr. Trump in ceramic whiteware, his legs crossed and hands serenely resting in his lap. He is draped in a monk’s robes, his head is lowered and his eyes are closed, as if in meditative repose, an emotional state not typically associated with the 45th President of the United States.

The artist calls it “Trump, the Buddha of Knowing of the Western Paradise.”

“He has been already very successful, but now he is still tormenting himself, being obsessed, having a lot of ideas and doubts,” the creator, Hong Jinshi, said when asked about his inspiration.

Mr. Hong, 43, lives and works in an old cement factory turned workshop and gallery, in the coastal city of Xiamen. He conceived the work last year, but only recently completed the first few sculptures. He put those up for sale on the online vendor Taobao, offering two sizes, one at just taller than 6 inches and another at 18 inches. He is asking the equivalent of $153 and $615.
From The Independent of the UK.


Trump as Buddha. Do sincere Trumpists cultivate suffering? Read More »

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