Four Kinds of Nutriments for a Fulfilled Life or Four Hungers for Experience?

If we feel low and under-nourished, we easily make frequent pilgrimages to the sacred tabernacle of the West, the refrigerator.

We indulge in eating and drinking, often in unhealthy ways. Guilt and self-blame haunt our life due to our habits and addictions. …

Four Kinds of Nutriments for a Fulfilled Life or Four Hungers for Experience? Read More »

From MINDFULNESS to MEDITATION to see FREEDOM of BEING. A Zoom Retreat with Christopher Titmuss. 9 am Friday 23 April to morning Tuesday 27 April 2021. On donation. 

This classical Vipassana (Insight Meditation retreat, via Zoom, will include comprehensive meditation instructions in Insight Meditation, guided meditation, a daily talk and small group meetings on the practice.

The  retreat offers the opportunity to go deeply into ourselves. It points to inner renewal, a deep sense of presence and pointing to fresh perceptions and insights to recognise freedom of being.

From MINDFULNESS to MEDITATION to see FREEDOM of BEING. A Zoom Retreat with Christopher Titmuss. 9 am Friday 23 April to morning Tuesday 27 April 2021. On donation.  Read More »

Thursday 8 April is Holocaust Day. A talk on the Mutual Influences of Past and Present on Wednesday. 18.50 Israel time. 16.50 UK time.

Tomorrow (Thursday), Jewish citizens in Israel and worldwide, and millions of others, mark Holocaust Memorial Day. The day remembers the millions who suffered and died in the concentration camps during the time of the Nazi ideology. The day also acknowledges the genocides that have taken place in the years since.
At the invitation of the Israeli Sangha, I speak this evening at 18.50 pm (16.50 pm) UK time.

Thursday 8 April is Holocaust Day. A talk on the Mutual Influences of Past and Present on Wednesday. 18.50 Israel time. 16.50 UK time. Read More »

Today is 7 April 2021. If my mum was alive today, it would be her 101st birthday.

A warm memory today of my mum.

She loved adventure, never hesitating to take an opportunity. For example, she worked as a telephonist for The Universe, a Roman Catholic newspaper in London. The editor, Christopher Hennessy, asked her if she would be the tour guide to take pilgrims to Jerusalem. …

Today is 7 April 2021. If my mum was alive today, it would be her 101st birthday. Read More »

Covid-19. We might think it will be all over soon. Perhaps the contagion has barely started. Who knows?

You may feel tired of reading, listening, watching and talking about issues related to the global pandemic.

Listen within. Respect your inner response. Please do not read anything below if it feels like it would be more information to absorb. Sense the aliveness of the day and connect with it – indoors, outdoors or both. I take breaks from Covid, Covid, Covid – despite regular expressions of concern.

Do the same. Take a break as much as possible from the Covid world. Find ways for renewal. Some of you engage in full time service to resolving the suffering around Covid-19. Please remember to connect with life outside the virus.

Don’t hesitate to skip the following.  There are straightforward concerns and questions. The critique does not contain the feel good factor. The last short section might serve as a reminder in daily life about priorities.

Covid-19. We might think it will be all over soon. Perhaps the contagion has barely started. Who knows? Read More »

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