Christopher e-News. Major changes in international travel. 15 April – 15 May 2021.Upcoming residential/zoom retreats, courses, talks etc

Below is the Welcome and list of contents, including residential or Zoom retreats etc. There is a link at the foot of the page for the full contents of my programmes until end of year. There is an adaption of Zoom retreats for specific time zones.
Dear Friends,

A warm welcome to our 7000 subscribers to the Christopher e-News. You will see Zoom/Residential retreats, courses, yatra and themes on the blog listed below. Our 4th Mindfulness Teacher Training Course (MTTC) starts in October 2021 for 60 people. Zoom and residential in Germany. With Ulla and myself as co-teachers.


Our life ebbs and flows between the known and the unknown. Sometimes, we make a step out of the known to experience what might emerge from the unknown.
An opportunity arises to abide receptive, inwardly and outwardly, to the new or recognise a deep focus needed for a specific area.
While sitting at home in the kitchen in February having a cuppa tea, I made a spontaneous ‘decision’ to cut 60% of overseas travel.
I will continue to take the train to teach in Germany – Covid-19 regulations permitting.
I am ending travel to Israel, India and Australia. I would no longer fly to Israel where I gave teachings for 30 years. I have spent more than two years in total in Israel plus many 48 hour stays in Nablus, Palestine. I have spent more than 7 years in total in India since 1967 and spent four years in Australia including time on the road. Travelling the Earth runs deep in my DNA since the late teens.
I emailed in early March 2021 friends, organisers and managers of centres of this shift in priorities from the known to the known. We continue to keep in touch.
Friends asked me if I had opted for semi-retirement. No. Birthday occurs on 22 April (Earth Day), 2021. On that day, I will be 77.
Friends asked me if I need to rest rather than travel. No. Energy so far remains same as 50 years ago. I sleep a little more and the body takes a little longer to heal from a cold or pulled muscle etc.
Was it becoming a hassle trying to offer retreats with the on-off situation due to lockdown and social isolation? No.
Could I adapt to being at home 46 weeks a year? I wondered, too. Since returning from teaching in India in March 2020, I have loved the time at home.
During the lockdown in Britain in 2020, I completed a book TEN YEARS AND TEN DAYS – a memoir of my time on the road between 1967 and 1977. I will write about the memoir in the next e-News. An e-book of the memoir with 25 photos or more currently undergoes preparation.
I asked myself what would be the outcome of the change in the reduction of travel?
•    A regret?
•    A return to the known?
•    A major reduction in the dana?
•    A renewal?
•    A different lifestyle
•    An emergence of a creative vision?
In February, my 10-year-old passport expired. It seemed symbolic. I renewed it. I plan to offer a Zoom retreat every month, except when travelling to Germany.

Monthly Zoom Retreats

I plan to offer Zoom retreats. I invite people to give a registration of €30.00 for a Zoom retreat when the Zoom event replaces a residential retreat. Your registration will support centres struggling with finances due to lockdown. Let me know if you wish to join a zoom retreat. Contact:
I will post on christopher titmuss blog zoom events supportive of UK, European, Israel, India and Australia times.
All Zoom retreats are open worldwide. Please attend as much of the Zoom timetable as possible.

Do join. Take a look below.

Content of this E-news
(If message clipped at the end, please click on “View entire message” immediately below last item).
1.    Christopher’s International Retreats. Zoom/Residential. April to November, 2021
2.    Dharma Yatra (Teachings/Pilgrimage) in Germany in August 2021
3.    Mindfulness Teacher Training Course starting October 2021, Germany
4.    Recent Blogs
5.    Update on Changes in Youtube Videos
6.    Mindfulness Support Service
7.    Ulla Koenig Teaching Programme
8.    Wandering Wild
9.    Donations
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Christopher e-News. Major changes in international travel. 15 April – 15 May 2021.Upcoming residential/zoom retreats, courses, talks etc Read More »

Twelve Points for the Sangha of Practitioners in Israel and elsewhere

I had a Skype meeting on Monday morning with Tamar Adelstein, 41, who is the new managing director for Tovana, Israel’s leading Dharma network.

Tamar has recently taken over from Ron Alon, who had 15 years of experience with the role. As well as teaching, he did a remarkable job supporting Israeli teachers, international teachers and Tovana’s vision.

With Tamar, he has a worthy successor. She has a wealth of international experience, studied law and gives support for those in need. Along with formal Dharma practice, she draws from her experience in Japan, Sri Lanka and Australia, as well as being a wife and mother of three children.

Tamar and I had a lengthy discussion via Skype. She had a variety of important questions knowing that I have 30 years of annual visits to Israel. Tovana’s senior and much loved teacher, Stephen Fulder is also reducing his time as the eldest administrator of Tovana after three decades in his role  with the Tovana board. Stephen has a new book out in English FIVE POWERS OF MIND. His transition also forms a feature of the evolution giving more responsibility to others.

After talking with Tamar, I wrote down a few points as loving reminders for Tovana and its extensive network. The points apply to Sanghas (Gatherings of Practitioners) , wherever the Dharma takes root.

Twelve Points for the Sangha of Practitioners in Israel and Elsewhere

1. Centres and practitioners must evolve or end up narrow minded and sectarian.
2. Tovana is in a major period of its evolution. You (Tamar) have joined at the right time, although challenging. There is extra stress for Sanghas/centres worldwide due to impact of Covid-19. We need to be patient with each other.
3. Personal retreats with a resident teacher is part of the evolution as use of the rented centre at Ein dor expands following a successful appeal for funds.
4. Teachers must exercise their authority in terms of length of time of stay of a solitary retreatant with regular inter-views with the teacher.
5. The biggest duality is between retreat and daily life. Teachers, managers and Dharma seniors need to co-operate to show the way to bridge this gap.
6. Retreats, techniques, methods can truly serve the practitioner; the practitioner does not become a canary in the cage of retreats.
7. Tovana has a foundation of ethics/mindfulness/meditation and heart/wisdom teachings for an awakened life. This is a core feature of Tovana and the Dharma.
8. Tovana offers teachings/practices without walls. Practitioners receive support and encouragement if they also explore yoga, psychotherapy, ordination, travel to the East, faith in God, pilgrimage and lifestyle. Non-violent politics support the poor and marginalised.  An engaged Sangha in Israel includes listening and responding to the plight of the people In Palestine – Gaza, West Bank and refugee camps in neighbouring countries.
9. Teachings include freedom to use the language of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha and freedom not to use the same language of the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. Know your audience. Know your readers.
10. Dharma/meditation/mindfulness in Asia can find itself a bit lost in Buddhism, temples and religious beliefs. Dharma in the West can find itself equally lost in Secularism, neuroscience, and psychology – at the expense of the spiritual, the sacred and enlightening realisations. This way of life supports non-violence, non-abuse and dwells respectful to people, animals and the environment/resources.
11. Dharma offers a free spirited way of life. This view applies whether a practitioner is single, in a relationship, has a family, ordained as a monk or nun, of any religious faith or none.
12. Liberals and Conservatives are welcome in Tovana. Liberals need to stay receptive to fresh ways of contemporary explorations and wise approaches. Conservatives need to keep a mindful eye on the best of the 2600-year-old Buddhist tradition and draw directly from the 10,000 discourses of the Buddha. One example: Every link in the Noble Eightfold Path matters equally rather than limiting the Dharma to mindfulness and meditation.
Finally, let us never forget, we, the servants of the Dharma, have a wide range of resources, within and outside the tradition, to support our capacity to abide in a fulfilled way of life. We set no limits to the inquiry into life. Liberation reveals the Limitless.

Twelve Points for the Sangha of Practitioners in Israel and elsewhere Read More »

A new 12 month Mindfulness Teacher Training Course (MTTC) starting in October 2021. Zoom plus Residential in Germany. A registration fee and invitation to donate to support teachers.

The course offers 12-month training to become a mindfulness teacher.
Teachers: Christopher Titmuss and Ulla Koenig.

Three previous MTTC for trainees have taken place since 2017with participants from more than 20 countries. …

A new 12 month Mindfulness Teacher Training Course (MTTC) starting in October 2021. Zoom plus Residential in Germany. A registration fee and invitation to donate to support teachers. Read More »

Timetable for international Zoom Retreats with Christopher Titmuss.

Here is the Timetable for Zoom Retreats, plus relevant information.

This Zoom retreat will consist of four meetings on Zoom per day. These meetings will include a Dharma talk, mindfulness meditation instructions, guided meditations, question and answers and small group meeting to check practice.. …

Timetable for international Zoom Retreats with Christopher Titmuss. Read More »

Online Evening Programme Sunday 23 May 2021. A 90-minute online meeting. CAN WE SHOW COMPASSION TO THE SELF? IS COMPASSION THE END OF SELF?

Online Evening Programme Sunday 23 May 2021. A 90-minute online meeting. CAN WE SHOW COMPASSION TO THE SELF? IS COMPASSION THE END OF SELF? Read More »

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