Ten Mindful Tips when you Wake up in the Morning. This is life. It is far from being an eternal picnic.

We can wake up in the morning and sleep walk through the first hour or more. Yawning, tired and irritable, a lifeless, zombie. we drift from one thing to another.

Why waste a chunk of your life in such a way? …

Ten Mindful Tips when you Wake up in the Morning. This is life. It is far from being an eternal picnic. Read More »

This is ‘2021.’ Ah, 21 years since the start of the New Millennium. Are we coming of age?

In 1999, the two authors of Prayers for a Thousand Years invited me to contribute a piece to their book. It is now 2021.  Plenty of countries say their young people come of age at 21.

Writers worldwide wrote prayers, gave blessings, comments, wrote stories and gave poetic utterances. …

This is ‘2021.’ Ah, 21 years since the start of the New Millennium. Are we coming of age? Read More »

A former German Marxist wrote sentences of poignant beauty about the Buddhist tradition and the importance of deep wisdom

Edward Conze (1904-1979) ranks among the much loved commentators/translators in the Buddhist tradition. Although born in London, Conze came from a German family with their home in Langenberg, Germany. In the 1930s, he wrote The Principle of Contradiction, a Marxist inspired text on dialetical materialism. A fierce critic of Fascism, he found himself harassed for his views.  In 1933, the Nazis burnt his books in Berlin among thousands of other books, as they were deemed “unGerman.” …

A former German Marxist wrote sentences of poignant beauty about the Buddhist tradition and the importance of deep wisdom Read More »

Zoom Retreat. 9 am 23 April – 27 April 2021. Audio Recordings of DharmaTalks, Guided Meditations etc. Retreat theme: Mindfulness – Meditation – Freedom of Being.

Zoom Retreat. 9 am 23 April – 27 April 2021. Audio Recordings of DharmaTalks, Guided Meditations etc. Retreat theme: Mindfulness – Meditation – Freedom of Being. Read More »

The Human Toll of Vaccination Certificates. A Buddhist Perspective

Is the British government pursuing a policy which will demand that all citizens carry a Covid-19 free vaccination certificate or App or to show exemption? What does it mean for people of faith? What are the social implications? …

The Human Toll of Vaccination Certificates. A Buddhist Perspective Read More »

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