Sixteen Reasons why Vaccinations and Human Behaviour cannot offer Full Protection against Covid-19. The global pandemic will haunt most countries, perhaps all, on this Earth for years to come.

Medical scientists and the pharmaceutical industry tell us week after week of the importance of getting a vaccination against Covid-19 and its variants. Research shows that the jab proves to be 90% effective or more. That is to be truly welcomed.

That amounts to nine out of 10 people. That still leaves in the UK with a population of more than 60 million some six million people for whom the vaccination does not work so well – if all adults in the country had the jab. …

Sixteen Reasons why Vaccinations and Human Behaviour cannot offer Full Protection against Covid-19. The global pandemic will haunt most countries, perhaps all, on this Earth for years to come. Read More »

Obituary of Khantipalo, (1932 to 5 July 2021), a former Theravada monk, Buddhist author/scholar from the UK.

A well-respected former Theravada monk, Phra Khantipalo  originally from Norfolk, England, died aged 89 in a care home in Melbourne, Australia on 5 July 2021,

In his early 20s, he joined the British Army referred to as national conscription. In 1956, soldiers in the British, French and Israel army attacked Egypt to regain control over the Suez Canal.

During this period, Lawrence Mills (later Venerable Khantipalo), a tall, gaunt figure, read a book on Buddhism. The book changed his life. …

Obituary of Khantipalo, (1932 to 5 July 2021), a former Theravada monk, Buddhist author/scholar from the UK. Read More »

Totnes Initiative. Share Shed. The Power of Sharing items in the Local Community


Extract. “After reflecting on the idea, and assessing the community’s interest, we set up the Share Shed in Totnes, Devon in 2017. Since then, we’ve been sharing our collection of over 350 items, with over 1,000 members.

So far we have facilitated over 1,600 loans, helping people save money, storage space and natural resources.

More recently, thanks to a grant from the National Lottery Community Fund, we’ve been able to trial a different model of sharing our items. We’ve gone mobile, and set up the world’s first travelling library of things, which allows us to share our items even further, and to more vulnerable communities in neighbouring towns!”

Read more on the Network of Wellbeing.


Totnes Initiative. Share Shed. The Power of Sharing items in the Local Community Read More »

Anja from Germany wrote a response on my Facebook page to the pro and anti jabbers. Several fine points. Last paragraph deserves a wide audience.

This is the full comment from Anja on my Facebook Friends page

“I can understand that people are afraid of Corona and of sickness. I can also understand that people are scared that the virus is being used to implement laws that cut us off our freedom and of democracy. …

Anja from Germany wrote a response on my Facebook page to the pro and anti jabbers. Several fine points. Last paragraph deserves a wide audience. Read More »

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