Success and Failure. The Brutality of Education. The Cost to Children and Adults

Education gives emphasis to persistant submission to the mind. This reflects itself in the amount of time pupils and students spend at their desk, week after week, from the moment their education begins. Acquisition and interpretation of knowledge take priority. …

Success and Failure. The Brutality of Education. The Cost to Children and Adults Read More »

WE JOURNEY FROM BIRTH ONTO DEATH. DOES LIFE OFFER SOMETHING MORE? Sunday 30 January 2022. 20.00-21.30 (CET) Zoom with Christopher. Sangha Live.

WE JOURNEY FROM BIRTH ONTO DEATH. DOES LIFE OFFER SOMETHING MORE? Sunday 30 January 2022. 20.00-21.30 (CET) Zoom with Christopher. Sangha Live. Read More »

Zoom. Teachings/Practices. FACING CHALLENGES. TRANSFORMING CHALLENGES. Friday 14 to 19 January 2022. Australia time. With Christopher

Zoom. Teachings/Practices. FACING CHALLENGES. TRANSFORMING CHALLENGES. Friday 14 to 19 January 2022. Australia time. With Christopher Read More »

Two Global Pandemics. The State of the Earth. Fear around Big Issues and Fear around Personal Issues. Can We live without Fear?

Two Global Pandemics. The State of the Earth. Fear around Big Issues and Fear around Personal Issues. Can We live without Fear? Read More »

CAN LOVE REVEAL ULTIMATE REALITY? Zoom. Sangha Live. 20.00-21.30. CET (19.00 – 20.30. UK time). Sunday 19 December 2021

We know the cost to the reality of life through deprivation of love. Human beings, other sentient creatures and all of life suffers through withdrawal of love, abuse and violence.

Science has eliminated love from its analysis of reality. Science perceives reality through the limited constructs of the mind. You will rarely find the word love in scientific textbooks. We cannot know ultimate reality though highlighting the mind and dismissing the heart or vice-versa.

The Buddha made frequent reference to metta with its three-fold meaning of love, kindness and friendship according to context. He made powerful statements on love – Metta is a Brahma Vihara (literally Abiding/Dwelling  with/in God).

CAN LOVE REVEAL ULTIMATE REALITY? Zoom. Sangha Live. 20.00-21.30. CET (19.00 – 20.30. UK time). Sunday 19 December 2021 Read More »

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