Join our 12 month Zoom Mindfulness Teacher Training Course (MTTC). Or Six month personal Mindfulness Training. Between October 2023 and October 2024.

We are happy to announce the next Mindfulness Teacher Training Course (MTTC) The course runs from October 2023 – October 2024. Or you can attend the first module of six months to develop a depth of mindfulness experience and the benefits.

See MTTC flyer. Assistant teacher, Nshorna Davis (Christopher’s Daughter) and CPD Certificate.

Here is the link to the website containing all the information you require. Overview, FAQ  (Frequently asked Questions). Costs, Registration. Payment. Safeguards.

The MTTC is a comprehensive, in-depth course, supportive and nurturing.

The Course will give practical support to yourself and others. People engage in forms of service to parents, co-partner, children, friends and those connected with the public/private/self-employed sector.


What Trainees will Receive

  1. Live Online Teachings, via Zoom. 

  2. Participation in online small group meetings

  3. Option for in-person teachings near Dusseldorf, Germany and Letchworth, near London, England.

  4. Option for 1-1 with teachers

  5. Monthly PDF handouts

  6. Monthly Audio/Video links. 10-20 minutes.

  7. Access to recorded sessions in Google Drive.

The MTTC is split into two modules each lasting six months. You have the option to attend the full 12-month course or the first of the modules on their own. Mindfulness teachers and those with experience in mindfulness/meditation/residential retreats can also join the second module.

You become qualified to teach Mindfulness to others if you complete the full 12 months. MTTC teachers will accept you into the second module, providing you have sufficient experience in courses and retreats in the understanding of mindfulness.

We live in times of stress, anxiety, unhappiness, busy lifestyle, unhealthy behaviour and issues around mental health. Mindfulness provides support tools/practices leading the way to wellbeing and community support.

Our 12-month course guides you on to become a Mindfulness Teacher with knowing how to set up and organise courses and networks.

Our six month course can contribute to lifelong benefits for yourself and others. You will receive an MTTC certificate for completing one or both modules.

MTTC Certificate

From the CPD website: ...the learning activity has reached the required Continuing Professional Development standards and benchmarks. The learning value has been scrutinised to ensure integrity and quality. The CPD Certification Service provides recognised independent CPD accreditation compatible with global CPD requirements. Click on link to see MTTC Certificate.

CPD Certificate

To Join and Support the Course

Participants pay a registration charge and then we make  short appeals monthly for donations,

Please pass the word onto others. We rely upon word of mouth rather than increasing our costs through expensive online advertising. Advertising is expensive!.

We look forward to seeing you.


Christopher and Nshorna
(A Father-Daughter team)


Join our 12 month Zoom Mindfulness Teacher Training Course (MTTC). Or Six month personal Mindfulness Training. Between October 2023 and October 2024. Read More »

Sam Harris and Christopher Titmuss. A 90-minute dialogue. Link to Audio of Dialogue. Outline. Quotes from Listeners.

In late March 2023, Sam Harris and I had a 90-minute online meeting exploring a range of issues of mutual interest. Title. The Whole of Life. Content below includes a brief bio of Sam, outline of meeting, quotes from listeners and edited message. …

Sam Harris and Christopher Titmuss. A 90-minute dialogue. Link to Audio of Dialogue. Outline. Quotes from Listeners. Read More »

Energy. An Exploration of Our Experience. Five Powers of Mind. Saturday 1 April 2023. 8 am – 9.30 am CET.

Energy. An Exploration of Our Experience. Five Powers of Mind. Saturday 1 April 2023. 8 am – 9.30 am CET. Read More »

Is Islam a threat to Western civilisation or is the West the real threat to itself?

I have much  affection and respect for the Muslim communities. I had the opportunity in 1967 and after to travel to Muslim countries – Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Malaysia, Sumatra/Java (Indonesia) plus numerous annual visits to Palestine between 1993 to 2019. I learnt to appreciate the virtues and not deny the vices of the Muslim world. I take much the same view of the West – much to appreciate and much to feel deep concern about.

As a founder of Prajna Vihar School in Bodh Gaya, India in 1992, we begun an inter-religious school to cultivate harmony and understanding between teachers and young people of different faiths and secular beliefs. Action speaks louder than words.

Is Islam a threat to Western civilisation or is the West the real threat to itself? Read More »

What is the role of a parent? To Wake Up. Join a 60-minute session. Sat. 8 April 2023. On Parenting and Practice. With Christopher

Join Christopher and the Sangha Live community for a live Q&A on Mindful Parenting & Grandparenting

Saturday April 8 @ 11am PT/ 1pmET /7pm GMT/ 8pm CET (approx. 1-hour duration)

Hosted by SanghaLive.

How to register and join the livestream:

We suggest you do this in advance of the event so that you receive the automatic reminder.
Step 1: Sign up for/log into Sangha Live Connect:
Step 2: RSVP to the Mindful Parenting & Grandparenting event (under “Live Events”):

Click on photo to enlarge. Families take refuge from the sun on a French Yatra (Pilgrimge).

Parents, who love the Dharma, need to see the emptiness of two views haunting mothers and fathers for centuries.

1. The ordained Sangha (monks/nuns) have the best opportunity to realise an awakened life.
2. I (mother or father) find it hard to find time to practice because it takes such effort with the kid(s).

The Buddhist tradition has perpetuated these views forgetting the enslavement to the caste system and family duties 2600 years ago. Freedom includes love, service and deep discoveries about our humanity,

What is the role of a parent? To wake up.

It is irresponsible if we believe parental responsibilities obstruct waking up.

The role of the parent, or any other role, arises when children are in front of one or you engage in the action on their behalf.

The Sangha of Practitioners consist of parents and non-parents, ordained, nomadic and householders. Let us mutually support each other.

In his role as a spiritual seeker, Prince Gautama neglected the first six years of his son’s life. He never even bothered to visit him. Within weeks after his awakening, the Buddha became a dedicated father. Wisdom brings responsibility.

In this session, we will be joined by Christopher Titmuss, an senior Dharma teacher and Buddhist author. His teenage granddaughter 16, has been living with him since the summer of 2021 and plans to stay until university,

This is an opportunity for shared reflection, and guidance. Please bring your questions/concerns and share your issues around parenting/grandparenting.

Non-parents are welcome. What do you have to offer parents whether a single parent, co-parent (separate homes) or mother/father living together.

The event is open to all who are involved in raising and mentoring kids and younger people whether you are a parent (or thinking about becoming one!), grandparent, aunt, uncle, friend, teacher, therapist and more.

This event will be hosted by Sangha Live, within “Sangha Live Connect,” their free-to-join Dharma community.

All are welcome!

What is the role of a parent? To Wake Up. Join a 60-minute session. Sat. 8 April 2023. On Parenting and Practice. With Christopher Read More »

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