Why End the Retreats in Bodh Gaya after 38 years?

Every year, the noise pollution in Bodh Gaya, the village of the Buddha’s enlightenment, increases due to use of rock festival style loudspeakers for weddings and Mahayana pujas. Our 70 retreatants between the two retreats endured very loud music from the other side of the monastery wall for 19 nights out of 20 nights. …

Why End the Retreats in Bodh Gaya after 38 years? Read More »

Namaste to Bodh Gaya and all its amazing eccentric pilgrims and seekers

It is probably not an exaggeration to say that millions have attended the various kinds of Buddhist retreats worldwide, ranging in length from weekends to years, in the past 35 years that the various traditions have made available.  Every retreat offers teachers and participants a challenge. Perhaps our retreats in Bodh Gaya have been unique in the sheer variety of challenges to teachers and participants compared to the West. …

Namaste to Bodh Gaya and all its amazing eccentric pilgrims and seekers Read More »

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