Dear Citizens of the Arab nations, We are also tired of our governments

We, the so-called democratic nations, are thoroughly tired of our power hungry leaders, bankers obsessed with money, no matter how great the debt, and media barons repressing information.

We are tired of the corruption in the corridors of power and the massive salaries/bonuses of the rich and shameless

We are tired of bearing the burden of the financial incompetence of our governments and bankers.

We are tired of our enslavement to long, hard working days, paying off huge rents and mortgages.

We are tired of the destruction of environment, the stripping away of natural resources and utter lack of vision of our political masters.

We are tired of the manipulation of our senses thorough advertisers working for corporations.

We are tired of superficial lifestyles, banal television entertainment and junk food slowly poisoning the population.

We are tired of more and more control over our daily lives and the surveillance and spying on our citizens.

We are tired of the misery of debt and the despair and unhappiness behind closed doors.

We are tired of the fears and worries for those dedicated to public service. Many live in fear of redundancy, daily demands from bosses to meet targets and fear of becoming subjected to lawsuits on the slightest pretext.

We are tired of the enslavement of our children to study, study, study at school and at home for government and corporate objectives and thus robbing our children of play, the outdoors, games and development of a rich, social life.

We are tired of our governments and businesses exploiting workers in the rest of the world, as well as at home, so we can purchase food and goods at rock bottom prices.

We are tired of the street crime, pornography, racism, gambling, domestic violence and the addiction to alcohol, tobacco and drugs.

We are tired of our government with the support of the defence industry sending our young men and women off to war against some of the poorest people in the world.

We are tired of our government selling all manner of weapons and military aid for regimes to control their citizens.

We are tired of ageism in the work environment and the marginalisation of the elderly.

We tired of living in a sick society.

We are tired of living in a lunatic asylum run by the inmates.

Why aren’t we on the streets causing the collapse of our wretched governments and closing down the big banks?

If we didn’t spend so much time daily on the computer, watching television, DVDs, Facebook, blogs, mobile phone, texts, twitter, Wii games, we could express on the streets our solidarity with countless Arab citizens.

Perhaps, the Arab world is waking up. We are sleep walking through daily life.

Perhaps our day will come.

Perhaps one day we will stop being such compliant citizens.

We are not naive that we should believe in utopianism. The evidence shows that capitalism, democracy and  claims of freedom do not work. Western claims are as self delusional as Col. Gadaffi’s speeches.

Nevertheless, the human spirit still remains alive and well on streets around the world. Here is a reminder: