Retreat Environments

DHARMA YATRA. An Eco-Pilgrimage of Teachings, Practices and Community. August 2022. Germany, A Poetic Reflection

Christopher and Ulla Koenig led our eco-pilgrimage in the green hills north of Reutlingen, near Stuttgart, Germany from 2 – 12 August 2022. A full attendance of 50 people, plus two teachers, participated in the Yatra ranging from 18 months old to 78 years.

DHARMA YATRA. An Eco-Pilgrimage of Teachings, Practices and Community. August 2022. Germany, A Poetic Reflection Read More »

Mindfulness of Absence. Doorway to Liberation. A Theme in one of five 60-minute sessions. 6 June -10 June 2022. Hosted by Sangha Live

Dear Practitioners.

Here are five 60-minute morning Dharma sessions from Monday 6 June to Friday 10 June 2022.

A session consisted of a 25-minute Guided Meditation. These guided meditations consist of one or two short sentences, noble silence for a minute or so, then another sentence or two through the period. A 20-minute talk follows with remaining time available to respond to questions.

Daily sessions included these themes.

Titles of Daily Themes and support of Guided Meditation
Monday. Breath confirms no independent, self-existence
Tuesday. Body Scan. A composition of elements and not-self
Wednesday. Body Sensations. Feeling Tones. See clearly or suffer.
Thursday. Mindfulness of Absence. Doorway to Timeless Liberation
Friday. Blessings of Formless meditation
See link right below of transcribed audio using the above form for a Guided Meditation as mentioned above.

Click on Daily Meditation Recordings below. You will then be taken to Sangha Live website showing links for five sessions from 6 to 10 June.

Daily Meditation Recordings, with Christopher Titmuss – Week of June 6, 2022

Mindfulness of Absence. Doorway to Liberation. A Theme in one of five 60-minute sessions. 6 June -10 June 2022. Hosted by Sangha Live Read More »

Guidelines for Managers for Dharma Teachings, via Zoom

I am writing to thank all managers for your immense support which enables the Dharma Teachings/Practices on Zoom to take place.

The number of Zoom/Skype meetings have grown over the months.

I have written Guidelines for Zoom Managers for my Zoom Dharma Teachings. I have mentioned details which will make it easier for myself with the workload and benefit those who register for Zoom teachings. The Guidelines show point of mindfulness for the managers to iron out and enable me to tweak any details I overlooked.

I teach in five time zones. I can set up a time zone but perhaps there is a change weeks later of one hour for summer or winter season in UK or elsewhere, or different time zones within other countries, or I make mistake. The two time zones fail to connect. Oops. It has happened. Apologies.

Some of the points listed below may be useful for other managers ensuring Zoom programmes take place with co-ordination with international content and time zones.

I have noticed on the statistics on this blog an ongoing increase in views. For example, there were more than 250,000 views of this blog since January 2021. It only takes a very tiny percentage of comments/inquiries to make a lot of daily emails in the in-box.

You may have more points. Let me know If any point is not clear. I can adjust text and send again to managers. Read the Guidelines carefully.

Guidelines for Managers for Dharma Teachings, via Zoom Read More »

ZOOM AUSTRALIA. Mindfulness. Insight Meditation. Freeing up the Heart-Mind. With Christopher. In Australia time. Sunday 12 June to Tuesday 14 June 2022.

ZOOM AUSTRALIA. Mindfulness. Insight Meditation. Freeing up the Heart-Mind. With Christopher. In Australia time. Sunday 12 June to Tuesday 14 June 2022. Read More »

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