Dharma Reflections

The Importance of the Five Realms of Existence

In recent years, I have been developing more and more interest in the Buddha’s teachings on the five realms of existence as a vitally important feature of Dharma teachings and exploration triggered by recollections of experiences of my years in the monkhood, including the time in the Vipassana monastery, the cave and forest.

I have also been working systematically through the discourses of the Buddha, and the emphasis he gave to the realms, and the circumstances for their presence. …

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A Response to Grief

I receive numerous emails. Last year, I replied 3218 emails. Many request small points of information, advice, dharma questions and dharma teaching information. I will include from time to time the summary of an e-mail in my blog.The following is my e-mail response to a person who is experiencing grief over the death of a loved one.

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Mindfulness to the extant necessary

Every other evening in Sarnath, the teachers, facilitators, co-ordinators met together over a meal to discuss a feature of the dharma. One evening we looked into the important refrain that appears four times in the Satipatthana Sutta (Discourse on the Appllications of Mindfulness – one of the most revered statements of the Budha on mindfulness and insight. …

Mindfulness to the extant necessary Read More »

Who am I? Why am I here?

I receive regular requests to write a poem, review a book, write a few lines for the jacket of a book or write a few lines on a theme. I am happy to offer when possible. I received this e-mail inviting me to contribute around 100 words for a book that is due to be published. Incidentally, you might consider writing in response to the two questions that the editor asked — just so that you see what comes up from within yourself. …

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The French Yatra – a sacred engagement

The great passion of life manifests itself in movement. We express ourselves in a silent and intimate way with the nature through walking, not with a specific destination in mind, rather, the sacred engagement in the act itself. We formed a long single line with 120 of us participating collectively in a step-by-step activity beneath the immense umbrella of the sky above and the rolling, winding pathways, as we guided ourselves among the hills of the Pyrenees earlier this month. …

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