Dharma Reflections

12 Expressions of Full Awakening

There are various spiritual ideologies reducing awakening to a handful of slogans that make little sense except to gurus and their followers.  These slogans include Being in the Now, Oneness, Finding your True Self  or there is No Self, There is nothing to be done, I am That, I am Radiant Awareness, I am Consciousness. There is only Wholenes, Everything is Perfect,  You create your own realiity and more. Our gurus tell us if we had realised such claims, then we would say the same.

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Is the Western ideology of “choice” a foolish myth?

Western society believes doggedly in freedom of choice thus making it hard to question mental constructs around ‘choices.’ There is a strong view that everybody has free will producing a resistance to the possibility that situations and events occur regardless of ‘choice.’ …

Is the Western ideology of “choice” a foolish myth? Read More »

A Government Health Warning to Meditators

The Government has determined that meditation is harmful to your health.

The Government’s health warning states that early physical symptoms in the process of meditation include pain in the knees, sore ankles, tension in the shoulders, and various degrees of back pain.

Early mental symptoms arise in meditation include lust, negativity, boredom, restlessness, fear and doubts. Meditators are liable at any time to multiple hindrance attacks.

Meditators believe they can resolve these issues without recourse to  the National Health Service, medication and years of weekly analysis in the private sector.

As early symptoms abate, meditators will sit motionless for hours every day or will find themselves, at fixed times, walking up and down, repetitively, unable to offer reasons for their behaviour. Some meditators stand still for an hour or more unable to move. They appear catatonic. Other lies on their back for lengthy periods perfectly still with eyes open, half open or closed. They appear dead.

They show no interest in blind pursuits of pleasure, endless hours in shopping malls or building up debts on their credit cards.

Surveys from the government show that some meditators remain vulnerable to reaction.

It is advisable to avoid talking to meditators who are in meditation. Such an approach can provoke strong irritability from the meditator. Under no circumstances touch a meditator as it can release a sudden outburst of hostile reaction such as ‘Can’t you see that I’m meditating?’

Government inspectors said that such meditators will probably apologise for their reaction and spend days, morning, noon and night, developing more loving kindness meditation.

The ability of meditators to spend most of their lives in an office or studying for years for degrees is greatly reduced. Hard core meditators stop obsessing about sense objects – sights, sounds, smells, taste or touch – nor want to chat constantly about sex, money, sport, work, cars  or computers. They tend to explore a different way of life.

In advanced stages, meditators will intentionally cut off all memories and any associations with the past. Such meditators will show a complete unwillingness to plan for the future and a refusal to cling onto anything that is happening in the present.

The government firmly rejects a timeless way of living in accordance with the rhythmn of nature and in harmony with the necessities of daily life as well as the needs of others.

Some are willing to work up to one hour per day in a retreat centre but they are known to work very slowly; they barely accomplish anything. Some advanced meditators take an hour to slice a single carrot.  Meditation teachers will ask their meditation students why did they cut the carrot so quickly.

In the most advanced cases, meditators spend long periods in solitude and silence ranging from a few weeks to many months or even years. These meditators require total care and support from retreat centres.

More and more advanced meditators claim they have no self while others claim they are the self of all. In either case, these meditators develop loving kindness, compassion and appreciative joy and cease to be competitive and ruthless in the private and public sector.

After they leave these centres, they might teach meditation and engage in a way of life free from any drive for personal sucess. They believe in co-operation, sustainability and the happiness of simple living.

The Government has defined meditation as a serious mental health hazard and advises the public to take all precautions necessary to avoid exposure to this dangerous activity.

If meditation is not stopped immediately, it can cause an end to craving for consumerism, desire for wealth and a total loss of interest in the constant pursuit of recognition.

Meditation has become associated with street protests, Occupy! and action for revolutionary change.

If meditation continues, it will bring about an end of  to the rebirth of “I” ‘me” and “mine”  upon which capitalism, economic growth and  State/Corporate control over the lives of citizens depends.

The Government report makes it clear that meditation is putting an end to people’s freedom to suffer.

In its conclusion, the Government has determined meditation as a threat to our society and our way of life.

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The Buddha never had it so good. He should try teaching in the West.

Few would dispute that the extra-ordinary awakening of the Buddha is a seminal moment in the history of humanity. He realized human beings must face suffering, the causes and conditions for its arising, the total and unshakeable resolution of suffering and the Way. …

The Buddha never had it so good. He should try teaching in the West. Read More »

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