Dharma Reflections

A Personal Reflection on Angelina Jolie and her double masectomy

I recall several years ago feeling a sharp pain under my left nipple while taking a shower as my left arm brushed across the nipple. Women have told me that they first felt a lump in the breast while taking a shower.  I felt a lump like hard glue under the nipple. I googled for information about lumps under nipples for men. It seems that a tiny, tiny number of men get cancer that starts with the first tell-tale sign of a lump under the nipple. …

A Personal Reflection on Angelina Jolie and her double masectomy Read More »

The Buddha gave the much loved Kalama Sutta that questions authority. Here is the Totnes Sutta with the same principle.

The Kalama Sutta

(Sutta means discourse)

The Kalama people told the Buddha they were perplexed by the different spiritual/religious views. He replied:  “It is fitting for you to be perplexed. Doubt has arisen in you about a perplexing matter.”

 Then the Buddha gave to the Kalama people of north India a discourse. This discourse constitutes one of his most loved statements endorsing our capacity to question authority.  …

The Buddha gave the much loved Kalama Sutta that questions authority. Here is the Totnes Sutta with the same principle. Read More »

OK. You don’t care about animals. Consider a vegan diet from self-interest and such tasty dishes as…..

OK. Perhaps you don’t feel particularly compassionate towards animals, birds and fish. Then consider a vegan diet for personal health reasons.

It is a thing of beauty to live a much more healthy and happy  life from food growing out of the Earth. …

OK. You don’t care about animals. Consider a vegan diet from self-interest and such tasty dishes as….. Read More »

I could be shopping in a few years in the kids section of a store for my next tee shirt

I  recall weighing around 66 kilos (10 stone 6 pounds, 146 pounds) in my early 20s and standing  about 182 centimetres (six feet tall). I wore a large size tee-shirt, large size boxer shorts, large size pullover and so forth. I lost a few kilos (too much fasting) in my years as a Buddhist monk in Thailand before returning to the UK in my early 30’s but regained weight after I disrobed. …

I could be shopping in a few years in the kids section of a store for my next tee shirt Read More »

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