Dharma Reflections

Forgive me. I don’t believe in God. Here are 12 reasons.

Forgive me. I don’t believe in God. Here are 12 reasons.

 1.              GOD THE CREATOR. A piece of graffiti on a wall in London read: “God hasn’t forgotten the world. But He’s now working on less ambitious projects.”  Cool. If God created the world, then all responsibility for the state and the fate of the world rests with God. If this God takes some responsibility for the state of the Earth, then we need to know what His responsibility is. We also need to know our responsibility. Can God increase his level of responsibility and decrease our level of responsibility or vice versa. How will we find out if there is a change in levels of responsibility or if it always remains the same.  If His creation started in a particular way, then is God helpless to change it? If there is God, then perhaps humanity has to practice to forgive God for what He created and what He permits to happen in His creation. …

Forgive me. I don’t believe in God. Here are 12 reasons. Read More »

Do our Dharma retreats in India differ from the West? Oh Yes!

I first arrived in India in 1967 six or seven months after travelling overland from that wet and windy island off the west coast of mainland Europe. This February, 2014, it will be 40 years of teaching in India. We have moved our silent retreat from the Royal Thai Monastery in Bodh Gaya to the Thai Monastery, Sarnath, near Varanasi. …

Do our Dharma retreats in India differ from the West? Oh Yes! Read More »

Your partner walks out on you and into the arms of someone else. What are you going to do? Live in the past or move on?

Your partner walks out on you and into the arms of someone else.

What are you going to do?

Live in the past or move on?


A beloved friend has been married for around 15 years. That’s about double the length of time of an average marriage in the UK.

Her husband met another woman (no, not a younger woman) and after months of secret contact and secret Skypes  he left his loving wife for the new woman in his life. …

Your partner walks out on you and into the arms of someone else. What are you going to do? Live in the past or move on? Read More »

A view on Adyashanti’s Teachings

Dharma practitioners contact me

about teachers and teachings.

Here is a view on the teachings

of Adyashanti of San Francisco.


Dharma practitioners ask or email me regularly my views on certain teachings and teachers, modern and ancient. I might receive a quote to give a general comment or am asked whether I would consider certain teachings as enlightened.

I have some experience in these matters of the spiritual life and am happy to share a view. I appreciate such discussions or emails as they encourage to me read about these teachings or watch on YouTube, a recorded talk, inquiry or satsang of the respective teacher. …

A view on Adyashanti’s Teachings Read More »

There are religious Buddhists who claim there is rebirth. There are secular Buddhists who claim there is no rebirth. Are they both extremists?

There are religious Buddhists who claim there is rebirth.

There are secular Buddhists who claim there is no rebirth.

Are they both extremists?

You probably think that the Buddha believed in past lives and rebirth. If you read in the English translations of the 10,000 discourses of the Buddha, you will see a number of references to “past lives” and “rebirth.” …

There are religious Buddhists who claim there is rebirth. There are secular Buddhists who claim there is no rebirth. Are they both extremists? Read More »

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