During the time of the invasion of the Russian army into the Ukraine in 2022, President Putin was killed. He went straight to hell.

After months in hell, he began to have a change of heart about his behaviour and the terrible karma he created for himself. Uncharacteristically, the Devil found in himself a little compassion.
The Devil told Putin he would give him one last chance and send him back to Earth. If he blew it a second time, he would burn in hell for all eternity.
Putin felt grateful and promised faithfully to change his ways.
The Devil said to Putin he could send him back to any place on Earth of his choosing. Putin asked the Devil to send him back to his favourite bar in Moscow, where he could get a drink.
“Your wish is fulfilled,” said the Devil.
Next moment, Putin finds himself sitting on a stool in his favourite bar in Moscow.
“What would you like to drink?” said the barman.
“I’ll have a stiff vodka,” said Putin.
Putin got talking to the barman.
“I’ve just come out of a coma after several months. I have no idea what has been going on in the world. What happened in the Ukraine?
The barman replied: “The Russian army invaded the country. Thousands upon thousands of Ukrainian citizens and soldiers died. Thousands upon thousands of Russian soldiers died as well. There was so much suffering, so much grief and so many funerals day after day in both countries.”
“Is the war still going on?” Putin asked.
Barman replied: “It came to a halt. There is no more war. It’s over.
Putin replied. “That’s wonderful news. Oh, and how much is the glass of vodka?”
“That will be five Euros,” replied the barman.