
How to Protect your Laptop: 30 Tips

I have been using computers for around 30 years. I started using my first laptop, a Toshiba 1100 in the latter part of the 1980’s. The laptop weighed around 5 kilos, plus a pile of floppy discs etc. Carried around the world, the machine seemed amazingly light at the time. …

How to Protect your Laptop: 30 Tips Read More » Nshorna, my daughter, has launched a business venture. Do support Nshorna, my daughter, has launched a business venture. Do support Read More »

50 Pointers to a Wise and Loving Relationship. Part 2 of 2

  1. Love is the issue not self-interest. There are 100 ways to kiss her/his presence.
  2. You can keep pointing things out. Your critical remarks will destroy the remaining love.
  3. Never believe your will can change someone. Your love will change another, sooner or later.
  4. The faultfinder will only see faults. The one under attack will withdraw or return the fire.
  5. Never undermine your partner’s vision. Your partner will be reluctant to share their vision.
  6. Share with each other to find the Truth. Truth shows the way to respond with wisdom.
  7. Feelings, thoughts and views arise, stay and pass like everything else. Why make such a fuss?
  8. There is neither togetherness, nor separation, neither sameness nor differences.
  9. You are not the person you think you are. She/he is not the person you think s/he is. A relief.
  10. Desire stifles the erotic. Lovemaking is erotic. Love allows passion to flow freely.
  11. Make love. In bed. In the bath. Reclining. Standing. Under the table. Under the stars. Aged from 16 to 116.
  12. Take total responsibility for what you feel. This is a sign of maturity. Watch out for transference.
  13. Be mindful of the words that follow the word “You…” when speaking to your partner.
  14. Love reveals itself most easily in the sheer enjoyment of two people listening to each other.
  15. We all wish to be loved and understood. It tops the list. Never forget this simple truth.
  16. Love is when two people love being together – speaking/silence/much said/little said.
  17. The claim ‘I have made so many sacrifices for you’ is an ego trip. Love transcends ego.
  18. You cannot always get what you want. You have your limitations and so does your partner.
  19. Know thyself in terms of strengths and weaknesses and know the one who is close in the same way.
  20. A relationship ends. It is often hard for the one who ends the relationship as for the other.
  21. The one who ends the relationship may feel deep regret later. Wisdom makes the transition from partners to friends.
  22. To see is to express. To express appreciation is love. To know and name beauty is love.
  23. Know the points of sunshine of a cloudy day. Never cling to the past to support another cloudy day.
  24. Be mindful of the word ‘commitment.’ A person’s presence today takes priority over future.
  25. ‘Mind the Gap’ in face of differences. No two people are the same and no two people are different.



A Pointer is published two or three times

a week on Twitter and Facebook


50 Pointers to a Wise and Loving Relationship. Part 2 of 2 Read More »

An Obituary of the Dharma eNews. A Reflection

An Obituary of the Dharma eNews. A Reflection

This Dharma wallah launched and edited the Dharma eNews for 12 years from its conception in late 2003 to early 2015. The Dharma eNews was posted online two or three times per year. We made available 32 issues. We started off with around 1000 subscribers and the number of subscribers built up to 4000 subscribers. Every issue had between 10 – 12 different items. …

An Obituary of the Dharma eNews. A Reflection Read More »

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