
Can an individual transcend suffering while surrounded by collective suffering? One of the questions from a meditator.

Around 90 participants joined all or part of four days of Dharma teachings/practices in the Australian time zone between 24-28 September 2021 with Samantha from Melbourne and myself.

Meditators had the opportunity to ask questions either directly on Zoom, via the Zoom Chat column or by writing us an email. …

Can an individual transcend suffering while surrounded by collective suffering? One of the questions from a meditator. Read More »

Three Residential Retreats at the Waldhaus Zentrum, Andernach, Germany between 12-24 October 2021. Do join.

I offer three consecutive mindfulness/insight meditation retreats at the Waldhaus Buddhist Zentrum near Andernach, Germany from 12 – 24 October 2021.

There are two five-day retreats and one weekend retreat.

The third retreat from 22-24 October was added yesterday. There are currently plenty of spaces.  The weekend retreat may not be on the website.

If you would like to join, please email the Waldhaus Centre below to book a place.
The retreats consist of comprehensive mindfulness/meditation instructions in sitting, walking, standing/reclining, inter-views with myself, inquiry, questions and answers and a daily talk. Silence is a major feature of these retreats. Suitable for beginners and experienced meditators.

Waldhaus website will provide residential costs. The teacher invites donations at the end of the retreat to support the ongoing teaching.

Three Residential Retreats at the Waldhaus Zentrum, Andernach, Germany between 12-24 October 2021. Do join. Read More »

‘Welcome to Afghanistan’ Brief Recollections of travelling across the country in October 1967

‘Welcome to Afghanistan’

For the past two weeks, the ignominious departure of the 20-year-old US/NATO occupation of Afghanistan has dominated the news headlines.

‘Welcome to Afghanistan’ Brief Recollections of travelling across the country in October 1967 Read More »

I go to Totnes market every Friday or Saturday to buy mushrooms. Yesterday, I found out why.

I love mushrooms. Every week, I buy mushrooms when at home. Occasionally, I buy shitake mushrooms (Japanese) or a packet of exotic mushrooms.

As a rule, I prepare two kinds of meals – Indian (matar mushroom) or Mediterranean dishes using lightly cooked mushrooms. …

I go to Totnes market every Friday or Saturday to buy mushrooms. Yesterday, I found out why. Read More »

Julian David, much respected Jungian Analyst, a visionary and a Totnes treasure. His new book: A SHORT HISTORY OF GOD

Julian David, much respected Jungian Analyst, a visionary and a Totnes treasure. His new book: A SHORT HISTORY OF GOD Read More »

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