
80 Quirky Text Messages from a Grandfather to his Granddaughter living in the Loft. About two short texts a week. Plus Comment for Parents/Guardians

Quirky means eccentric, odd, whacky, unpredictable.  Texts for a teenager,15, living with her grandfather….

A year ago (July 2021), our family talked about the wish of D’nae, 14, to move from Hertfordshire, 30 minutes north of London, to Totnes in south Devon.

80 Quirky Text Messages from a Grandfather to his Granddaughter living in the Loft. About two short texts a week. Plus Comment for Parents/Guardians Read More »

Christopher Titmuss E-News July 2022


Who will you listen to when they declare, they swirl all round you;

they always know best, and then try changing you,

so then beware upon those judges whim to fix your fate,

as though they can offer real security, 

and then deceive you with their maturity.

Poems from the Edge of Time by Christopher Titmuss

View in a browser (Recommended: see link at top of page)

Dear Friends,

Welcome to every one of our 7300 subscribers of the current issue of the Christopher e-News.

Thank you for your kind responses about our new format for the e-News.

The e-News has been gradually expanding with 35 pages. So Jude (IT Consultant) and I have decided to divide the eNews into two sections.

This e-News will contain the international teaching schedule both for residential and zoom programmes.

The next e-News after this will be published in four or five weeks. This e-news will include information about social media, blog updates, audio library, books and other forms of Dharma service.

Importance of the Middle Way

Dharma teachings point out the middle way. Views on the path often swing from one extreme to the other. One extreme view is the practitioner must depend on a guru/master/teacher who knows the path and goal. The practitioner remains faithful and devoted to the path the other has set for him or her. That view easily leads to dependency on the other that blocks the realisation of freedom in all directions.

The other extreme view shows in the view that you have to create your own path. You have to rely upon yourself. That also leads to dependency on the views of oneself. This also blocks realisation of freedom in all directions. Where is the freedom if we live in the spell of the self of oneself or the self of another?

What is the middle way in the spiritual exploration of self and other?

I take the view that ethics, love and wisdom belong to any authentic path for anybody at any time in history. Yes, we can find diverse expressions of these indispensable features.

If ethics, love and wisdom are not found in the path, then that path is not worthy of any consideration.




I invite donations at the end of the retreat to support the ongoing teaching and daily life living costs.

No charge is made for the teachings. Residential retreats payment covers cost of teacher’s travel.

CALENDAR FOR July 2022 – October 2023 – so far


JULY: Zoom 8fold Path, Israel. Zoom MTTC, Zoom. India BSG.

AUGUST: Yatra. Near Stuttgart, Germany; Zoom, India; Zoom, BSG, Zoom, MTTC.

SEPTEMBER. Workshops. The Wise Lotus Centre, Letchworth Garden City, Zoom, India, BSG. Zoom, MTTC

OCTOBER: Zoom. Yom Kippur. Israel. Waldhaus, Germany (2). Zoom, MTTC.


DECEMBER.Zoom. Australia.


APRIL. Residential. Waldhaus Zentrum, near Andernach, Germany.

JULY. Seminarhaus Engl, near Munich.

OCTOBER. WaldhauS Zentrum, near Andernach, Germany. Two retreats.


Manager will provide times for Zoom meetings in your time zone as well as Zoom link



With Christopher

On a Saturday

30 July 2022

20 August

17 September

To register and receive Zoom link:

We will explore Mindfulness of the Body. MLD 119.

The Buddha encourages a variety of ways to explore and meditate on our relationship to ‘our‘ body, to see clearly and come out of the spell of the body image, and more.

8.00 – 9.00 am CET with Christopher. Guided Meditation. Talk

9.00 – 9.30 am CET. Group discussion to explore themes of the discourse. Facilitator: Suchitra

16.00 – 17.30 pm CET with Christopher. Talk. Q and A.

You can join any time during the year.

A One Day per Month Study of specific Discourses of the Buddha.

Two 60-minute sessions.

Comprehensive 75-pag PDF of Buddha Study Guide freely provided.


With Christopher

Saturday 30 July 2022 Right Mindfulness

Series of Talks/Practices on each link in Noble Eightfold Path.

One day per month.

Right means comprehensive, fulfilling, and ethical.

Please note a change in a time or date may take place during the year.

6.45 am – 7.45 am CET. Talk and Guided Meditation

13.00 -14.00 CET. Talk. Q and A. and Guided Meditation

16.00-17.00 CET. Discussion Groups (without a teacher)

19.00 – 20.00 CET. . Talk Q and A.

Saturday 27 August 2022 Right Concentration (closing session following Introduction and Eight Sessions).


Two Days of Teachings/Practices with Christopher

DAY OF REPENTANCE – Tuesday 4 October,2022

DAY OF ATONEMENT- Wednesday 5 October 2022

Three 60-minute sessions, via Zoom, plus practices for home.

The Jewish Community regards Yom Kippur as the most important holy-day in their religious calendar.


We will explore themes of repentance/regrets/errors of judgement/unresolved issues of the past and the unhelpful burden of guilt. Sessions will look at fresh ways to look at experiences, impactful or subtle, with recognition of acts done or not done


We will explore themes of atonement, of acts to make amends for what we said, wrote or did or failed to do. Day will include ways to implement change through mindfulness, sharing, loving kindness and fresh perceptions.

Tuesday and Wednesday.

8 am – 9 am. CET. Guided Meditation/Reflection, Talk. Question and Answer

12.00 – 13.00 CET Guided Meditation/Reflection, Talk. Question and Answer

17.00 – 18.00 CET Guided Meditation/Reflection, Talk. Question and Answer

Jews and non-Jews are welcome to attend this two-day Zoom gathering.

Participants are welcome to attend as many sessions as possible.

Teachings will include meditation/activities/communication practices during the day.

Christopher Titmuss taught annual residential retreats in Israel between 1992 – 2019.

He made annual visits to Palestine.

To register:


Dates for Mindfulness Teacher Training Course (MTTC).

With Christopher and Ulla Koenig

9-10 September 2022

7-8 October 2022

2-6 November 2022 (residential/Zoom with Christopher)

Please note this is a 12-month Course, which started in late October 2021 and finishes in early November 2022 for 60 participants with prior registration.


Mindfulness. Insight Meditation. Freeing up the Heart-Mind.

With Christopher

Sunday 4 December to Tuesday 6 Decmber 2022.

23.00 – 24.00 CET. Saturday, Sunday, Monday:

6.30 am – 7.30 am CET. Sunday to Tuesday

12 noon – 13.00 CET. Sunday to Tuesday

It is a little inconvenient with time zone if we live in another part of the world.

You are invited to attend as many zoom sessions as you can.

The days will consist of three 60-minute Zoom meeting per day including talks, comprehensive instructions, guided meditations, questions/answers and sharing. We will encourage specific mindfulness/meditation practices at home, work and elsewhere.

To Register:

Nisha in Australia is our manager.

Nisha will send you the Zoom login link and Australia time.

There is no registration fee.

Do join. A single point can change a life.


DHARMA YATRA – 10-Day Pilgrimage with Dharma Teachings/Practices

Reutlingen, near Stuttgart

With Christopher and Ulla Koenig

2 – 12 August 2022

Full. Waiting list.

We hold the Yatra (Dharma/eco pilgrimage) starting near Reutlingen,

near Stuttgart, 90 minutes south on train from Frankfurt

Places for a maximum of 50 people, including 10 places for under 16-year-olds.

We offer a plant-based diet. We walk through forests and on tracks beside organic farms.

Registration 140 Euros. On Day 9, we request donations (Pali: dana) to support the running costs.

We also invite to donations for Ulla and myself. We do not make a charge for leading the Yatra.


Waldhaus Buddhist Zentrum

With Christopher

18 October – 23 October 2022

23 October – 28 October 2022

Zentrum for Buddhismus

One hour by train from Bonn/Cologne

Am Laacher See56643,

Nickenich, Germany+49 2636 3344

Nearest railway station: Andernach

To Register:



Waldhaus Buddhist Zentrum

With Christopher. Assistant teacher: Tina Edegen

Friday 21 April – Friday 28 April 2023.

Zentrum for Buddhismus

One hour by train from Bonn/Cologne

Am Laacher See56643,

Nickenich, Germany+49 2636 3344

Nearest railway station: Andernach

To Register:



Seminarhaus Engl

With Christopher

30 June to 6 July 2023


Seminarhaus Engl e.V.(one hour from Munich)

Engl 1

84339 Unterdietfurt, Germany

Phone +49-(0)8728-616


The retreats consist of comprehensive mindfulness/meditation instructions in sitting, walking, standing/reclining, inter-views with myself, inquiry, questions and answers, and a daily talk. Silence is a major feature of these retreats. Suitable for beginners and experienced meditators.

Waldhaus website will provide residential costs.


Waldhaus Buddhist Zentrum

With Christopher

Tuesday 17 October – Sunday 22 October 2023

Sunday 22 October – Friday 27 October 2023

Two retreats back to back.

Zentrum for Buddhismus

One hour by train from Bonn/Cologne

Am Laacher See56643,

Nickenich, Germany+49 2636 3344

Nearest railway station: Andernach

To Register:


Do come.



How to Teach Mindfulness to Children

Christopher and Nshorna

Monday 12 – Friday 16 September 2022

The Wise Lotus Centre,

Letchworth Garden City, Herts (north of London)

Christopher and Nshorna are a father and daughter team.



Do join our Facebook Group page with the name, Christopher Titmuss Teachings, which started in July 2022.

We have around 700 Members so far.

I raise a weekly question for Members to respond to and invitation to send their response in Comments.

After a few days, I give an overall response to Comments of members.

Short Dharma teachings are also posted on this Facebook page.

WEEK ONE: I asked the Members their response if they ask themselves WHO AM I?

WEEK TWO: I asked. Four kinds of action. 1.Healthy, skilful action. 2. Unhealthy, unskilful action.3. Neutral action. 4.???

WEEK THREE: Is insecurity related to the desire to control and/or other factors?

I will continue to use Facebook Friends but the Facebook Group will allow more interaction.

Please click here to join this Facebook Group. I also intend to send out invites through Facebook Friends. I am keen for the participants in the Group Page to have a voice. In the passage of time, Facebook Group will reflect varied interests. I move in different circles – Buddhist tradition, meditation, mindfulness, spirituality, inter-faith dialogue, well-being, lifestyle, anti-war movement, grass root politics and global issues. Not all members are practitioners of meditation.

THE WISE LOTUS CENTRE Letchworth Garden City, Herts

Do join our classes and courses held in The Wise Lotus Centre, 35 minutes on the train north from Kings Cross station in central London, UK.

TWLC has a rapidly expanding programme throughout the week. The Centre keeps  as affordable as possible to support adults and children. Centre offers evening meetings/classes. The programme includes mindfulness, meditation, yoga, holistic therapies, self-care, public talks, classes for families, children and businesses.

Nshorna teaches mindfulness and other classes/workshops for adults and children in the Centre. She sells a range of wellbeing items and beautiful gift sets on Etsy and in her shop: Every package is plastic-free as much as possible, and includes a mindfulness practise leaflet.


Different Ways to offer donations(dana) to support Christopher
•    You can make donations via your PAYPAL, STRIPE or Credit/Debit Card
•    You do not need a PAYPAL account.
Inspired by his years as a Buddhist monk (1970-1976) Christopher depends upon donations rather than charge for teachings. Christopher only teaches in centres where he considers the daily rate affordable.
You can also make a bank transfer to my bank account in Devon, England. I will email you my bank details.
Thank you for your kind support.


Residential and Zoom Programmes
For information, see
Website information in German and English.
Ulla and I are co-teachers in the Mindfulness Teacher Training Course (MTTC).

Wandering Wild on Dartmoor, Devon, UK with Henriette Lofstrom.

Join the 4th season of this stunning 3-day journey on foot, wild camping through Dartmoor National Park in Devon, England. All essentials provided, vegetarian organic food, private comfortable tents, small groups of max. 7 people. We walk in silence, have time to journal writing, for guided meditations, and walk in a moderate tempo with breaks every 45 min.


Teachers, managers, directors of centres, organisers and staff connected with our programmes, residential and Zoom, offer a service. This principle applies before the programme we offer, during the event and after. A small team of people often give support to a large group. If you feel concern on any matter with any of our responses to you, before, during or after an event, please email us. Where and when? What was written? What was said? What happened? A manager or teacher will address your concern and get back to you or you can contact the centre. Do join one or more of our programmes.





Christopher Titmuss E-News July 2022 Read More »

Guru Purnima. Full Moon of July. A Day to Show Respect to One’s Spiritual Teacher(s). Stay Mindful of any Darkness, or even a grey area, in Guru Devotion

Guru Purnima. Full Moon of July. A Day to Show Respect to One’s Spiritual Teacher(s). Stay Mindful of any Darkness, or even a grey area, in Guru Devotion Read More »

Spirit. Soul. Integration. Light/Dark. Home/Homelessness. Questions from Lila.

Lila Kimhi, a senior Dharma teacher in Israel, visited me at home for a few days in July 2022. We set up the camcorder and audio with Lila asking me questions. Otter AI then transcribed the audio into text. I then polished and edited to make suitable for reading. The text made around 10,000 words. Here is the text for the first 1500 words. I will post on the blog other sections in the weeks ahead.

Spirit. Soul. Integration. Light/Dark. Home/Homelessness. Questions from Lila. Read More »

Lives of the Dead. A book of death poems by Hanoch Levin, an Israeli playwright. A review. Provocative. Frank. Uncomfortable Reading

I received an email from a Dharma friend in Israel recommending I read playwright/poet, Hanoch Levin (1943-1999), who lived in Tel Aviv. I checked out some of his writings on social media and then purchased his collected poems Lives of the Dead. …

Lives of the Dead. A book of death poems by Hanoch Levin, an Israeli playwright. A review. Provocative. Frank. Uncomfortable Reading Read More »

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