Author name: Christopher

Christopher Titmuss, a former Buddhist monk in Thailand and India, teaches Awakening and Insight Meditation around the world. He is the founder and director of the Dharma Facilitators Programme and the Living Dharma programme, an online mentor programme for Dharma practitioners. He gives retreats, participates in pilgrimages (yatras) and leads Dharma gatherings. Christopher has been teaching annual retreats in Bodh Gaya, India since 1975 and leads an annual Dharma Gathering in Sarnath since 1999. A senior Dharma teacher in the West, he is the author of numerous books including Light on Enlightenment, An Awakened Life and Transforming Our Terror. A campaigner for peace and other global issues, Christopher is a member of the international advisory council of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship. . Poet and writer, he is the co-founder of Gaia House, an international retreat centre in Devon, England. He lives in Totnes, Devon, England.

There is no stopping the power of love for the people of Gaza

In one of my blogs this summer, I expressed gratitude for the flotilla of ships from Turkey carrying humanitarian aid to the besieged citizens of Gaza deprived of basic human rights due to the Israeli government and military blockade. …

There is no stopping the power of love for the people of Gaza Read More »

Do the poor pay for the greed of the rich?

Bankers, governments and the media, who exercise such influence over our working and financial lives, have peddled the view on a daily basis for decades that market freedom (capitalism rebranded) generates wealth for all. I consider it a fiction, a lie, a public deception, propaganda at the expense of the poor at home and abroad. …

Do the poor pay for the greed of the rich? Read More »

What is this deep interest in our “self?”

I was walking home yesterday from the gym here in beloved Totnes in Devon. The fruit and veg wallah came out of his shop and called out to me: “Christopher, there’s an article in today’s paper about you with a photo of you in Afghanistan.”

Why did I walk straight into the news agents to buy the Devon newspaper?

I live in a small town. The other day I heard two people talking about me in the Barrel, my local coffee shop. I did not recognise the two people talking. I found my body starting to lean over in their direction to catch the words. If I lent much further, I would have toppled over!

Hearing the word “Christopher” from the other table became a distraction from my reading a remarkable and truly exceptional novel, “Alone in Berlin” by Hans Fallada, the German novelist who died in 1947.  Incidentally, the novel focusses on the theme of protest and captures succinctly my whole view of human responsibility, no matter what the circumstances and apparent futility.

Why is their such interest in “I” “me” and “my?”  Since we are so interested in our “self,” then surely we should go on retreat to know more about our self, participate in groups for self knowledge or meet one to one with a skilled psychotherapist.

Do the views of other people about ourselves matter more than our view? (the photo in Afghanistan was taken in 1967).


What is this deep interest in our “self?” Read More »

The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth ….

We, humans, need an event to give motivation for friends and family to meet together –  a birthday, a marriage, a funeral. To it credit, the Christian Church continues to provide some of the essential rituals that enable the coming together of loved ones wishing to mark an occasion. …

The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth …. Read More »

“America will never be at war with Islam.” Are you sure, Mr President?

I received a message over the weekend asking if I would give a Buddhist perspective for an inter-faith New York website on the current storm in the USA about Pastor Terry Jones from Florida who had planned to burn the Koran in the grounds of his church and the wish of the Muslim community for an Islamic centre in the financial heart of New York. …

“America will never be at war with Islam.” Are you sure, Mr President? Read More »

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