Author name: Christopher

Christopher Titmuss, a former Buddhist monk in Thailand and India, teaches Awakening and Insight Meditation around the world. He is the founder and director of the Dharma Facilitators Programme and the Living Dharma programme, an online mentor programme for Dharma practitioners. He gives retreats, participates in pilgrimages (yatras) and leads Dharma gatherings. Christopher has been teaching annual retreats in Bodh Gaya, India since 1975 and leads an annual Dharma Gathering in Sarnath since 1999. A senior Dharma teacher in the West, he is the author of numerous books including Light on Enlightenment, An Awakened Life and Transforming Our Terror. A campaigner for peace and other global issues, Christopher is a member of the international advisory council of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship. . Poet and writer, he is the co-founder of Gaia House, an international retreat centre in Devon, England. He lives in Totnes, Devon, England.

Is Dogma creeping into the Dharma/Advaita world?

Is dogma insidiously creeping  into the Dharma/Advaita world? We have managed to get off our backs burdensome religious beliefs, various statements of Canon Law and much of the top down forms of authority that characterise religion. …

Is Dogma creeping into the Dharma/Advaita world? Read More »

WikiLeaks makes it clear that Democracy is a system unfit for purpose

Although an unlikely emergence in my lifetime but I believe there will be a time when global citizens will recognise Democracy as a sordid and unjust system of government in the same way we regard Fascism and Communism. …

WikiLeaks makes it clear that Democracy is a system unfit for purpose Read More »

When a nine year old enters the rainforest ….

Kye, my nine-year-old grandson, accompanied me on a month long trip in November, 2010, to Australia where I offered Dharma teachings and visited family. Kye met his 90-year-old great grandmother. With the approval of his school in south Devon,   Kye could leave behind the laminated wooden desk of his classroom for the rain forest of Yarrahapinni running down to the edge of the Pacific Ocean in New South Wales. …

When a nine year old enters the rainforest …. Read More »

When the self totally rejects its self and the world. A Reflection on Suicide

I sent a reflection on suicide to a follower of the Dharma after a relative in her 30’s committed suicide following a separation. I have changed her name to Angela. Angela had sat a retreat with me some years ago. Our heart reaches out to loved ones who try to make sense of suicide. We have to be mindful not to rush to judgment in terms of simplistic psychological analysis about a person who ends their life.

I wrote: …

When the self totally rejects its self and the world. A Reflection on Suicide Read More »

We try to repair what he wrought…

Truthout is my favourite news analysis that arrives regularly in my e-mail box. Truthout is a US non-profit, no advertising news agency, that distributes a frequent e-news,  rich in analysis of contemporary issues. …

We try to repair what he wrought… Read More »

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