Author name: Christopher

Christopher Titmuss, a former Buddhist monk in Thailand and India, teaches Awakening and Insight Meditation around the world. He is the founder and director of the Dharma Facilitators Programme and the Living Dharma programme, an online mentor programme for Dharma practitioners. He gives retreats, participates in pilgrimages (yatras) and leads Dharma gatherings. Christopher has been teaching annual retreats in Bodh Gaya, India since 1975 and leads an annual Dharma Gathering in Sarnath since 1999. A senior Dharma teacher in the West, he is the author of numerous books including Light on Enlightenment, An Awakened Life and Transforming Our Terror. A campaigner for peace and other global issues, Christopher is a member of the international advisory council of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship. . Poet and writer, he is the co-founder of Gaia House, an international retreat centre in Devon, England. He lives in Totnes, Devon, England.

Is the Christmas season a time of goodwill or ill will? An email from a single mother

I trust all FF (Facebook Friends) had a happy Christmas season with family, friends, both or neither. There is the great potential at this time of year for love, for happiness, for sharing and appreciation for loved ones.

Owing to problematic desire, there is great potential for confusion, hurt and conflict. The last two weeks of the year remain very vulnerable to conflict in this time of goodwill.

I trust any presents that you bought or received were useful, aesthetically pleasing and not feeding greed, aggression and delusion.

I spent four days  with my beloved daughter and family in Stanmore just outside the northern edge of London from December 23 to December 27. Nshorna and her three wonderful children, aged 5, 7 and 12, her lovely partner, Dean, his 10 year-old son, the two Chihuahua dogs and myself spent the four great days together. Cool.

It was noisy, fun, lots of food and a general sense of organised chaos on Christmas Day starting before dawn. On Boxing Day (December 26), Dean, Nshorna and I watched the  DVD, The Messiah Complex of Russell Brand, the wannabee political revolutionary, satirist and comedian.

Mind you, his political jokes (extremely perceptive and often agreeable) kept returning to issues around men’s genitals, his prowess, with his desire to be as outrageous as possible.  I received the DVD as one of my Christmas presents, plus a onesie – a single, zip up full length pyjama, books, bottles of red wine and some welcome dana– donations – in cheques or to Paypal from Oxford, Switzerland, Australia and USA.

If Russell shows too much desire to be outrageous, he will soon bore people and get to be known as Russell Bland.

Talking of desire

Desire screws up Christmas festivities – as well as other times of the year. The Buddha makes constant reference to the problem of desire as distinct from wise and loving action.

During the Christmas season, I received an email from a north European friend, a single mother of a boy less than a year old. She wrote about her experience just before Christmas.

“I am really feeling how my family are so judgemental and critical.”

She wrote that a close family member screamed at her because the little boy’s hands were a little cold when she brought him indoors.  The relative claimed the baby was underweight, not getting enough food and that there must be something wrong with the baby because he woke up on occasions during the night.

I know the mother and single son. They are a great team. I can summarise the words of the angry relative in a single word. But I won’t.  Mustn’t sound judgemental. It undermines the blog. The relative revealed her conditioning. Buddhists prefer to read that. Who knows what other pressure the relative experience at this time of year and other times?

Such hostile views from the relative offer nothing  supportive to the loving mother or her son. She is a wonderful mother. Like other single mothers, she has a huge daily task. She receives no support, emotional or financial, from the baby’s father who lives in another country. Perhaps one day he will change or perhaps not.

The mother gives round the clock attention to her boy. The little boy is happy, trusting, healthy and playful. He wakes up in the night teething, hungry or just cries – just like cats meow and dogs bark. Sometimes babies cry – no reason needed – except perhaps to say “I’m here.” It’s primal.

The mother added: “I have become more aware of myself taking on the same judgemental attitude. I think it is only being said out loud to people that are close. I don’t know how to handle this.”

The mother has touched upon a vital truth. She has to be very mindful of not perpetuating the family pattern of the judgemental attitude, finding fault with others and the consequent inability to recognise the acts of kindness from others.

She has to practice daily letting go of any negative  judgements of family members that can be so undermining as well as any inner reactivity. This alone is not enough. She also has to express words and acts that help another person feel loved and appreciated – including all members of her family, her close friends and strangers, too.

An unresolved judgemental attitude confirms inner unhappiness.

The mother told me that she has to develop softness to people she has contact with. So true.  Otherwise she, too, will keep getting caught herself in the spiral of fault-finding and  blame. Even if fault finding goes unspoken, family and close friends will perceive her as distant through her lack of genuine interest in their daily lives. She has to explore ways with words and actions to help her family and loved ones feel happy and understood. It is a big challenge but very worthwhile. It may take a lot of mindfulness and effort to remember to apply initially until words and actions of kindness become effortless and beneficial for oneself and others.

Words and actions of softness and kindness matter for the little one, especially when a two year old or more develops conventional language skills. He will express his necessary needs and also get caught up in his desires, such as reactivity and bouts of aggressive behaviour – ah the so-called terrible twos and terrible three’s so common to children of that age.

Mindful mothers and fathers then hate themselves if they start passing on the family trait of a judgemental attitude and blame onto  their children when the children refuse to obey the desires of the parent.

We practice to bring softness and clarity to situations. We practice a non-judgemental attitude. We practise to stay firm and steady in the face of reactivity and hostility. We may not be able to change the attitude of influential family members but we can develop and sustain kindness so we do not pass these problems onto the next generation or anyone else.

It is not easy. Is there anything more important for a parent or from a friend to a friend?

Happy New Year!






Is the Christmas season a time of goodwill or ill will? An email from a single mother Read More »

Google and other Corporations use Mindfulness to Search Inside Yourself (SIY). Are you trying to pull the wool over our eyes?

To state it simply, we need to be clear about the benefits of mindfulness and the limits.

In time, the corporate world will move onto the “next big thing” to get excited about as a way to avoid  to any kind of authentic  programme to Search Inside Yourself (SIY)  – to use the ironic expression of Google who long ago sold its soul for profit and the maximisation of market share with its motto “Don’t be evil” used to encourage investors to put their money into a wholesome business. …

Google and other Corporations use Mindfulness to Search Inside Yourself (SIY). Are you trying to pull the wool over our eyes? Read More »

Your partner walks out on you and into the arms of someone else. What are you going to do? Live in the past or move on?

Your partner walks out on you and into the arms of someone else.

What are you going to do?

Live in the past or move on?


A beloved friend has been married for around 15 years. That’s about double the length of time of an average marriage in the UK.

Her husband met another woman (no, not a younger woman) and after months of secret contact and secret Skypes  he left his loving wife for the new woman in his life. …

Your partner walks out on you and into the arms of someone else. What are you going to do? Live in the past or move on? Read More »

A view on Adyashanti’s Teachings

Dharma practitioners contact me

about teachers and teachings.

Here is a view on the teachings

of Adyashanti of San Francisco.


Dharma practitioners ask or email me regularly my views on certain teachings and teachers, modern and ancient. I might receive a quote to give a general comment or am asked whether I would consider certain teachings as enlightened.

I have some experience in these matters of the spiritual life and am happy to share a view. I appreciate such discussions or emails as they encourage to me read about these teachings or watch on YouTube, a recorded talk, inquiry or satsang of the respective teacher. …

A view on Adyashanti’s Teachings Read More »

There are religious Buddhists who claim there is rebirth. There are secular Buddhists who claim there is no rebirth. Are they both extremists?

There are religious Buddhists who claim there is rebirth.

There are secular Buddhists who claim there is no rebirth.

Are they both extremists?

You probably think that the Buddha believed in past lives and rebirth. If you read in the English translations of the 10,000 discourses of the Buddha, you will see a number of references to “past lives” and “rebirth.” …

There are religious Buddhists who claim there is rebirth. There are secular Buddhists who claim there is no rebirth. Are they both extremists? Read More »

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