Author name: Christopher

Christopher Titmuss, a former Buddhist monk in Thailand and India, teaches Awakening and Insight Meditation around the world. He is the founder and director of the Dharma Facilitators Programme and the Living Dharma programme, an online mentor programme for Dharma practitioners. He gives retreats, participates in pilgrimages (yatras) and leads Dharma gatherings. Christopher has been teaching annual retreats in Bodh Gaya, India since 1975 and leads an annual Dharma Gathering in Sarnath since 1999. A senior Dharma teacher in the West, he is the author of numerous books including Light on Enlightenment, An Awakened Life and Transforming Our Terror. A campaigner for peace and other global issues, Christopher is a member of the international advisory council of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship. . Poet and writer, he is the co-founder of Gaia House, an international retreat centre in Devon, England. He lives in Totnes, Devon, England.

You have a new job as manager. It’s nail biting time. 12 Points to Remember

You have a new job as manager. It’s nail biting time. 12 Points to Remember Read More »

The Privatisation of Spirituality. Genetically Modified Practice for Business. A Critique

Go into any major bookstore in the High Street, browse bookshelves at airports or look online and you will see a wide variety of books for sale on spirituality/mindfulness/psychology/mind/body and spirit tailored for businesses. Numerous leaders/coaches/facilitators and teachers in these fields offer a range of courses/workshops/retreats and training programmes for businesses leaders/ management/marketing consultants/sales staff and office workers. …

The Privatisation of Spirituality. Genetically Modified Practice for Business. A Critique Read More »

Do Corporations have a Real Commitment to Ethics?

There is a valid concern about the influence of powerful corporations on people and the Earth. The more powerful worldwide influence of the business, then the more likely that corporations neglect their social responsibilities and global sensitivities. …

Do Corporations have a Real Commitment to Ethics? Read More »

The Dark and Lighter side of British Values

Our media has been going on and on for the past week or two about British values.  Our  Prime Minister believes that there will be “overwhelming support” for the introduction of British values in all of our schools. …

The Dark and Lighter side of British Values Read More »

Is Ofsted the school bully?

Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education and Children’s Services) send inspectors to child day care centres, state schools, independent schools and teacher training colleges throughout England. Ofsted “inspects and regulates” child care centres and schools for the government. …

Is Ofsted the school bully? Read More »

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