A quiet revolution of values continues in Totnes, England….

The quiet revolution continues in Totnes, Devon, a small rural town in the west country of England.  I returned in late February from five weeks in India. Upon returning home, I picked up some of the flyers around the town.  Without wishing to  give the town any kind of special self-existence, Totnes continues to be willing to embark on various journeys of transition and change.  

I have had the privileged of living in Totnes for nearly 30 years and have witnessed, and participated in a small way in  the development of consciousness in the local area. Totnes has become a growing community of people  dedicated to spiritual,  social and environmental transformation.

The process of change here goes ahead with a quiet determination to explore the inner-outer life  despite living in rural south Devon with its largely conservative vales and conservative Member of Parliament.

The town council has adopted the transition town model for a sustainable society while literally hundreds of towns and cities in more than 30 countries currently develop the Totnes transition town model launched around  five years ago to develop ways to  maintain a low energy lifestyle.

Over the last two or three decades, we have had the privilege of important voices in terms of spiritual, social, environmental and political life making the three hour train journey from London, other parts of the country as well as from around the world,  to offer talks or teachings,  non-residential or residential, in Totnes or  nearby including Schumacher College, Sharpham House, Dartington Estate, Gaia House and so on – all within close proximity to the town.

Just some of the speakers, events, lists and locations in and around Totnes

in February and March, 2011.

Barrel Coffee Shop, High Street, Totnes

Caroline Lucas, leader of Britain#s Green Party and Member of Parliament.

Consciousness Café at The Barrel coffee shop

Debate with Members of Parliament on a different voting system for the UK

Green Events in South Devon

Guided Tree Walk

Matt Harvey, poet and perfomer, and a local treasure.

Opportunity in Uncertain Times with Naomi Klein, activist and author.

Poets as Playwrights

Richard Henberg. The End of Growth

Simon Fairlie on “Whose Land is it Anyway?”

South Hams Green Party meetings

The Barefoot Doctor for daily life.

The Barn Cinema, Dartington  – showing some of the best films available from World Cinema

The Corporation – documentary featuring Noam Chomsky, Milton Friedman,  etc

The Great Global Financial Fraud with Jon Witterick

Walmart. The High Cost of Low Price.

Young Person’s retreat Gaia House

Throughout the year, Totnes offers a host of programmes including Conservation of the Barn Owl, Tai Chi, Psychotherapy, Reiki, Totnes Natural Health with 27 therapists offering 20 kinds of therapy, Angel and Animal Communicator,  mind/body/spirit counselling, healing, Four day QUEST on Dartmoor, meditation groups, Barn retreat centre, craft camps for children, yoga centres, vegetarian restaurants, Indian restaurants, music, dance, festivals,  Qigong Walking Holiday, Tudor market, rites of passage, Friday, Saturday, Sunday market, musicians, comediennes, poets, artists, street entertainment, concerts with a full orchestra, organic farms and much, much more.

Yes, at times, Totnes appears a bit flaky. Yes, it appears blindly apolitical instead of engaging in  real political action out of the party politics of the two party state. Yes, Totnes lacks  the intellectual rigor to challenge the rigid Western ideologies that oppress the world.  Some of us, at times,  get tired of the positivity (the Oneness language) around here.

In May, it’s the week long  Tagore Festival at Dartington  Hall, five kilometres from Totnes,  with Coleman Barks, Satish Kumar, Deepak Chopra, Vandana Shiva, and numerous others involved in inner change, social change and the arts.

OK.  Enough of the virtues of Totnes and its healthy anarchic spirit.  Remember Totnes and environment, like everything else, has no self-existence but expresses causes and conditions near and far. Fortunately, the above events rely upon the wise co-operation of various people working together, near and far.  If it was left to democracy, left to the vote, nothing much would happen.

Whatsoever reveals from dependent arising  is timeless. Don’t forget.

Liberate your voice. Act.