I visited Totnes vaccination centre for a second jab. Two doctors refused. Do UK doctors follow government policy above the well-being of people?

This critique falls into two primary areas.

1. The government ruling preventing doctors from using their discretion to offer the second vaccination between three and eight weeks for those engaged in supporting physical/mental health of people and others in vulnerable categories. …

I visited Totnes vaccination centre for a second jab. Two doctors refused. Do UK doctors follow government policy above the well-being of people? Read More »

International Zoom Teachings/Practices. Join for an hour, a day, a weekend. Friday 23 – 25 July 2021. Mindfulness. Insight Meditation (Vipassana) and Beyond. See Five Time zone. On Donation.

Welcome to our weekend International Zoom Teachings Friday to Sunday 23-25 July, 2021.

You can join just for a single Dharma talk/instructions/guided meditation etc. or for a day or the whole period.

On Donation. Simply send your email address with dates of Zoom teachings to register. I will send you the Zoom link on Thursday 22 July.

Three sessions per full day online and instructions/practices at home and elsewhere.

It is an opportunity to engage in mindfulness/meditation practice at home with the support of teachings, instructions and others practising at home.

Do join.


23-25 July 2021

Theme: Benefits of Mindfulness and Benefits Beyond Mindfulness

Teacher: Christopher Titmuss

To Register:christopher@insightmeditation.org
All are welcome. On Donation (dana)
Mindfulness. Insight Meditation (Vipassana), Reflection, Four Postures. Guided Meditations. Sharing. Practices at home.
Remember to ensure you use right time for your time zone.

There are three Zoom meetings per day.

UK time is 1 hr earlier than before CET

Israel time  is one hour later than CET          India is 3.5 hours later than     CET

Australia (NSW) is 8 hours later than CET

Attend as many sessions as you can.
Suitable for Beginners and Experienced Meditators.
Friday 23 July 2021 CET UK USA (EST) India Australia
Talk. Meditation Instructions. Guided Meditation 20.00 – 21.00 19.00-20.00 14.00-15.00 23.30-00.30 4-5am
 Saturday 24 July CET UK USA (EST) India Australia
Talk. Instructions. Guided Meditation 9-10 am 8-9am 3-4am 12.30-13.30 17.00-18.00
Mindful Work Period. Indoors 10-11 am 9-10am 4-5am 13.30-14.30 18.00-19.00
Walking Meditation. Indoors or Outdoors 11 – noon 10-11am 5-6am 14.30-15.30 19.00-20.00
Sitting Meditation. Standing Meditation 12.00 – 13.00 11-noon 6-7am 15.30-16.30 20.00-21.00
A Mindful Lunch. 13.00 – 15.00 12.00-14.00 7-9am 16.30-18.30 21.00-23.00
Practices. Indoors and Outdoors. 15.00 – 16.00 14.00-15.00 9-10am 18.30-19.30 23.00


Walking Meditation 16.00 – 17.00 15.00-16.00 10-11am 19.30-20.30
Zoom Teachings on Mindfulness and Beyond 17.00 – 18.00 16.00-17.00 11-noon 20.30-21.30
Evening food 18.00 – 19.30 17.00-18.30 12.00-13.30 21.30-23.00
Sitting Meditation 19.30 – 20.00 18.30-19.00 13.30-14.00 23.00-23.30
Zoom Teachings. Sharing. Q and A. 20.00 – 20.30 19.00-19.30 14.00-14.30 23.30-midnight
End of the day of mindfulness and meditation
Outside these times: Listening meditation, Silent Meditation
Sunday 25 July CET UK USA (EST) India Australia
Meditation Instructions. Meditation 9.00 – 10.00am 8-9am 3-4am 12.30-13.30 17.00-18.00
Mindful Work Period. Indoors 10-11am 9-10am 4-5am 13.30-14.30 18.00-19.00
Walking Meditation. Indoors or Outdoors. 11-noon 10-11am 5-6am 14.30-15.30 19.00-20.00
Sitting Meditation. Standing Meditation. 12.00-13.00 11-noon 6-7am 15.30-16.30 20.00-21.00
Lunch 13-14.00 12.00-13.00 7-8am 16.30-17.30 21.00-22.00
Teachings/Practices for Daily life. Sharing, Donations. Loving Kindness Meditation 14.00-15.00 13.00-14.00 8-9am 17.30-18.30 22.00-21.00
End of Zoom Retreat
Christopher Titmuss, a senior Dharma teacher in the West, focusses on insight meditation (vipassana), the expansive heart, enquiry into emptiness of ego and liberation.
Poet, blogger, photographer and social critic, he is the author of numerous books including The Buddha of Love, Light on Enlightenment and the Spiritual Roots of Mindfulness. More than 1000 of his talks are freely available on www.soundcloud.org. He has lived in Totnes, Devon, England since 1982.
Tick box at very foot of blog to be notified of new posts by email.

International Zoom Teachings/Practices. Join for an hour, a day, a weekend. Friday 23 – 25 July 2021. Mindfulness. Insight Meditation (Vipassana) and Beyond. See Five Time zone. On Donation. Read More »

ManHole or ManWhole? A Red Card from Football. Addressing men’s abuse, violence and racism in England and elsewhere.

We witness in England increasing levels of nationalism, racism and violence. England’s defeat in last Sunday’s European Cup Final exposed the dark side of the personality among a minority of English men engaged in rage against defeat. Men can descend to a dark hole bringing out the worst and have no idea how to develop a sense of wholeness.

More and more people in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland may well wish to distance themselves from association with the unresolved shadows in England of those who advocate prejudice and display forms of xenophobia. …

ManHole or ManWhole? A Red Card from Football. Addressing men’s abuse, violence and racism in England and elsewhere. Read More »

A Crisis in Belief – secular, religious and spiritual. A talk in St. Mary’s Church, Totnes, Devon. 6 pm-6.45 pm Thursday 15 July, 2021.

St. Mary’s Church in Totnes high street dates back around 1000 years with the current Anglican church built in the 15th century.
More than a 1000 years of Christian prayer have filled this sacred area.

A Crisis in Belief – secular, religious and spiritual. A talk in St. Mary’s Church, Totnes, Devon. 6 pm-6.45 pm Thursday 15 July, 2021. Read More »

Sixteen Reasons why Vaccinations and Human Behaviour cannot offer Full Protection against Covid-19. The global pandemic will haunt most countries, perhaps all, on this Earth for years to come.

Medical scientists and the pharmaceutical industry tell us week after week of the importance of getting a vaccination against Covid-19 and its variants. Research shows that the jab proves to be 90% effective or more. That is to be truly welcomed.

That amounts to nine out of 10 people. That still leaves in the UK with a population of more than 60 million some six million people for whom the vaccination does not work so well – if all adults in the country had the jab. …

Sixteen Reasons why Vaccinations and Human Behaviour cannot offer Full Protection against Covid-19. The global pandemic will haunt most countries, perhaps all, on this Earth for years to come. Read More »